You're Mine- Chapter 1

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-Several months previous, somewhen in September-

 Dear Diary,

Sometimes I'm oblivious to the world around me, I pass people without knowing their names but I feel their life story, I feel the pain of victims of the cruel world. I'm not like most others, I'm different they say. My mom says it's my innocence, dad calls me naive. I feel my senses allow me to love from not what I see but from what I feel, that's how I met him.


 Monday mornings are always the worst, having to get up knowing that your school week is only just beginning. Being trapped in a place that feels much like a prison, with it's small glass windows covered by iron bars and inmates that are intent on making your life hell, only they don't wear orange jumpsuits instead they spend their lives posting selfies on Instagram and Facebook. I'm not "popular" at school, I haven't got hundreds of Facebook friends and likes on my photos; a number of students will walk past me and refuse to acknowledge my existence, some will make snide comments about the way I dress or the way I do my hair, passing judgement on the tiniest of things. It's like their lives revolve around it.

At 7am most teenagers are just waking up, packing their school bags and making themselves look 'presentable', slapping on layers of make up just to attract unwarranted attention. Well by 7 am I've been up for hours, in fact I've hardly slept, most nights I don't. I enjoy being up at night, being able to see the stars twinkling above me, the only objects that can shine so beautifully from so far away, something that can be seen by everyone. I appreciate the beauty of the stars and the light they hold although the bright lights burning from the city are enough to cast light upon the night sky. See I live in New York, the 'big apple' some call it, I enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city life, it's interesting, you get to see new characters every day. Everything moves so fast in the city, there's always something happening. Don't get me wrong I hate mornings like everyone else, the rushing about, the overwhelming desire to stay in the comfort of your own bed, I just enjoy the time where it's only me and the world, just us.

"Hope, get out of the bathroom" my annoying little sister calls, her ear piercing shriek rings through my ears like a fire alarm and I can't help but hold my ears.

"Piss off Ruby" I shout through gritted teeth.

"I'm going to tell mom you swore at me" she hisses. Fucking tell tit. One day I'll rip those pigtails straight off of her pretty little head, don't get me wrong I love my sister but she's a pain in the ass. Ruby is fifteen, she's just made the transition from child to teenager and don't we know it. She made a huge deal out of her birthday last year; mom and dad threw a huge party for her, what did I get for my birthday? A cupcake with a candle, not even eighteen fucking candles.

"Hope" she screeches, her small fists pound at the door, one day she's going to hit it so hard that she'll go flying through it and no doubt that'll somehow end up being my fault.

"Alright I'm done you little brat" I huff. I pull on the handle to the bathroom door and almost instantaneously Ruby stumbles in, a sour expression consumes her face, along with the expression of tiredness and dread, dread of the gruelling school day.

"Finally, what took you so long?" she asks "You go in for hours and come out still looking like shit" she laughs, the menace in her tone making my skin crawl. I shake my head and furrow my brows.

"I'm surprised you have friends with the way you talk to people" I retort, knowing just how awful my comeback was, damn thinking on the spot. 

"I'm not surprised you don't, look at you" she laughs, before slamming the door shut. I stumble back slightly at the force of the door hitting the frame. Well that was definitely a great way to start the morning. 

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