Sex- Chapter 21

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“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Luke asks as he unzips the back of my dress

“I’ve never been more ready” I tell him as I move onto his lap, straddling his waist

He pulls the thin cotton up and over my shoulders before leaning back to take in an accurate view of my body

I love how he always makes me feel so special and desired.

"You're beautiful" he whispers as he leans closer and kisses me gently just below my ear, his lip ring tickling slightly on my skin, making butterflies fluster through my stomach

"I love you" I giggle as I start unbuttoning his shirt, button by button giving me more visibility to admire every inch of his perfect body

 As I get to the one last button he drops the shirt on the floor and spins me so that I am beneath him and he hovers above me

“Have you got-“ I trail off biting my lip

“Yes” he replies hastily before connecting his lips with mine

His kiss is deep and passionate, the flavour of his lips entices me and I only want to taste more of him. As his lips momentarily pull away from mine I feel a strange sting at the loss of connection. He fumbles with his belt, after several seconds of pulling at the piece of leather he lets out a frustrated groan, I move my hands to guide his before unbuckling it neatly

“You’re more nervous than I am” I whisper

“Because I’ve never done this before” he responds, his head falls so that it’s hanging between his shoulder blades

I cup his cheeks in my hands and force him to look at me

“You’ve had sex before you know how to do this” I encourage him

I feel a sense of relief as I realise his nerves, it’s kind of comforting to know that I’m not the only one with thousands of butterflies eating away at the inside of my stomach, my heart racing at a hundred miles an hour, my skin tingling like it’s on fucking fire. He’s probably not feeling quite that way but knowing that he’s also nervous calms me ever so slightly.

“I’ve never been in love before and I’ve never felt more exposed than I do right now” he admits

I feel slightly guilty at his sudden outburst, is he afraid to bare his feelings for me? Is he afraid of such dramatic intimacy?

“But I wouldn’t want to be so exposed to anyone other than you” he finishes making me breathe a sigh of relief

He leans towards me again this time with a smile apparent on his lips, soon enough our skin reconnects in the most desirable way.

He begins to tug down his neat, black dress pants to reveal his low waist Topman underwear. It’s not like I haven’t seen...down there, before but seeing it now when my thoughts are so clouded with lust and apprehension it looks ever more monstrously big.

Is it normal to feel this nervous? I feel a bead of sweat roll down my forehead, Luke’s tongue caresses mine as he reaches his hand up to my shoulders, pulling at my bra strap.

The thin piece of elastic falls down my shoulders; he moves his hands to the small of my back to move me up towards him as he unclasps my bra. Suddenly I feel more naked than I ever have before, I truly am giving him the power to destroy me, and I am giving him everything in the most intimate way. He has my heart, my soul and now I am about to give him my virginity.

I am too caught up with my thoughts to even process what is going on right now, his lips connect with the sweet spot just below my ear and I let out a groan of pleasure. Part of me is so afraid of what could happen to us that I want to tell him to stop but the other part of me is so in love with him that I couldn’t possibly contemplate the idea of stopping now.

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