Goodbye R- Chapter 10

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"Hope" I heard his voice call in pleasure

He called my name while making...fucking her. Why would he call my name? The sick bastard wants me to hear them. My stomach tightens at the way he called my name, the pleasure laced on his words. I smudge the words off of the mirror and wrap my petite body in a towel and rush out of the bathroom and into my own room.

 It was only then that I allowed my tears to fall. My life is falling apart, I am falling apart. I grab onto the closest pillow to me and sob until my eyes are sore. I lay in silence for awhile waiting to hear the front door slam...but I don't.

I pick up my phone and look through my contacts...oh wait I have no fucking friends to even confide in. I have nothing. I throw my phone down onto my bed just as I hear Ruby's door open. I hear no sounds from either them just the squeak of the door followed by some slow knocks on mine.

"Fuck off" I growled not trusting my voice to get much louder

"I'd rather be fucking your sister again" he replies, he has no remorse, he just senselessly fucked my under age sister and comes to gloat about it

"Get out of this house you fucking psychopath" I scream not giving a flying fuck who heard me

"Just let me in" Jai growled tugging hard at the door handle

"No" I laughed "Stay away from me"

"This is what you get for fucking with my brother" he informs me as if it made what he did justifiable

"I did not fuck with your brother, I went for lunch with your brother and you just fucking fucked my sister, you crazy, fucking sick insane psychotic fuck" I shouted, I can't believe that he's trying to defend himself by blaming me for having lunch with his brother

"I've never heard you swear so much" he breathes "It sounds so sexy coming from your full lips"

"Leave" I bark

"Let me in" he bargains

"Let me in for five minutes and I'll leave"

"You won't leave Jai, you never do! All the time you're constantly there, you never leave, I can never get rid of you despite how much I want to" my voice has now turned into more of a scream as I raged about his consuming power

"You know what you're can consume people, you consumed me, you took everything I have and replaced it with hatred for you, you consumed every thought, you ruined whatever bond I had with someone who had no choice but to love me, you've made my mind a mess, you've fucking ruined me, because of you I have even less than I had before which I didn't even think to be you're right, you're a consumer Jai, you destroy everything in your path, I hope it's worth destroying everything I had" my last word came out as more of a choke as I desperately tried to bite back the tears that threatened to fall

"Hope I-" he began but I cut him off

"Go, nobody fucking wants you, your family doesn't even want you now that really is sad" I shout praying that my words cut him like a knife

"No matter what you say or what you claim you feel, you'll never be away from me, you'll never stop looking" he warned followed by the sound of his feet rushing down the stairs

I took a few minutes to collect my thoughts and calm myself to the calmest possible state that I could hold right now before lifting myself off of my bed and forcing myself to go and see my little sister. I knock a couple of times

"W-who is it?" A fearful voice asked

"It's Hope" I replied softly

She seems afraid, broken, a state which is normal resembled by myself

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