Cursed- Chapter 24

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I don't exactly know what I meant when I blurted that out

Invisible? How could I possibly become invisible?

"Hey--" I turn around to face Jai, but he's nowhere to be seen


"You will learn" he chuckles as he dangles a long thick piece of rope out of the window

Looking up and not being able to see a thing made me to feel dizzy, the darkness was almost blinding. I could sense him there but I could not see him, I could feel his mind penetrating mine, I want to be invisible in the way that he can be, he can be taunting and horrifying despite his lack of visible presence.  

"But how--" I scratch my head before grabbing a hold of the rope

You’ll learn

Technically translates to, ‘you’re alone in figuring this out’. I have to do whatever feels right out of instinct and fulfil my darkness.

"You have to learn how to bring out your darkness" he emphasises the word 'how' as the smirk grows on his lips

I can't help the rising smile on my lips either. I want to learn 'how' and by the way he said that, he definitely will teach me if I ask him nicely or maybe not so nicely. I begin to hoist myself up the wall, my feet placing firmly on each brick that makes up this horrendously large wall while my hands gripped tightly onto the scratchy rope.

"So?" I whisper as I finally reach the window and pull myself through the frame and into my room with so much force that caused me to stumble onto a pile of books.

My room is a mess to be honest, not a lovely sight nor a typical girl’s room; open drawers, clothes everywhere and books piled before the window. It feels like it’s been so long since I’ve been in this room much less a couple of days. The day of Ruby’s funeral seems like years away, the emotion stemmed from a gift Jai left in an adorable bundle of memories that reminded me of what was important, do I even know what’s important anymore? Despite the fact that Jai has human-less flaws there seems to be sparks of humanity that ignite within him and occasionally he chooses to shower me with the abundance of his affection.

I remember rushing out of my room to Ruby's funeral, Luke waited for me as I kept looking at my weak reflection in the mirror, and how the black of my dress seemed even darker than before, maybe I saw my darkness in me before I chose to embrace it? How my eyes were emotionless after days of crying. How I just looked dead, dead was the only word to describe the way that I felt.

People could have easily said that I looked horrible, a mess that you can't fix nor clean, a broken person and that's what I was, but still Luke said I looked beautiful, his words never failed to make me feel special, his kind heart and endearing smile was enough for me to feel comfort, through the mist of everything that seems so dark I still feel a flicker of hurt at the reminiscence of my memory of Luke.

"Now pack, call me when you're done" Jai's harsh voice shakes me back to reality

This is now. Me and Jai, we’re here together embracing all things dark, I’m allowing myself to have trust in him to rid of the hurt that he caused.

I'm leaving this hell that surrounds me with conflicted memories that I wish to escape and I'll have a new start on the dark side with the monster himself.

"Uh okay" I mumble unsure as to why he’s leaving, I assumed that now we’re supposed accomplices things would be different and he wouldn’t just run at the first sign of trouble, I guess I assumed wrong.

 "Wh--" I turn around and again he's gone

Invisibility, huh? When I learn how to embrace my invisibility I sure will have my revenge. I open the only closed drawer and pull out a selection of photos that collect any memories that I may wish to one day reflect on. I make my way over to my pillow, bouncing on my plush mattress to get there. I grasp the pillow in my arms and hug it tightly, the object that my head used to rest on when in perfect slumber, no thoughts of the monstrosity that soon became my life, but I dreamt of happy things or chose to sit up late and watch the stars blanket the sky. The small leather bound journal still wrapped neatly in twine leg on the space beneath my pillow, the small book containing all of my darkest secrets and fears, little clue as to how my life became this way, a true account of the damaged girl that seemingly does not fit her positive name.

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