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Malhotra Mansion
Shruti's POV

"Mom why did dadi all of the sudden went to Sai di's house?"

I asked mom I don't know why she is ignoring my questions.

"Mom answer me please"

"Shruti please beta, don't ask me this question now"

Mom said and this is the first time mom is ever ignoring my questions.

"Mom please"

"Okay then listen, your dad is sending Sai for Army training in a week time, and your goddess of a sister who never disagrees to her father is going there and is gonna kill her dreams, happy to hear that?"

Mom yelled and that made me froze.

"Oh my God Shruti...... Shruti beta I am so sorry I didn't mean-

She was explaining herself I cut her in mid.

"Mom what did you just said, was it true?"

"Beta leave it please"

"Mom I am asking you was it the truth or not?"

She sighed, and nodded, before she can say a word i head to Hitler Malhotra's room.

"Shruti beta please stop......

I can hear mom coming behind me, I entered in dad's study without knocking.

"Shruti do you need anything, I am busy at the moment, and were are you manners, how can you barge in someone's room like that?"
Can't he just stop with his manners.

"Dad I want to ask you something very very important"

"Yes go ahead"

"Why you and granddad and your granddad joined army, was it under pressure or was it your passion?"

"Because we wanted to serve the nation, and of course it was passion, what kind of question is this?"

"So why the hell you are pressurizing us?"

"When did I pressurise you?"

"I mean Sai di, why are you sending her in Army when she don't want to go?"

"I don't know what are you saying shruti"

"I am very clear dad, Shavni di never wanted to join army, will you please let her pursue her dreams, her choices?"

"Please get out Shruti, and as for your question I want Shanvi to have a good future and Shanvi don't complain about it"

"But what about her dreams dad?"

"She can do that after she retires"

"You mean when she is 50-60 something and can't see properly, and how can you guarentee that she will retire, can't she die serving the nation like great granddad?"

"Enough Shruti Malhotra, how dare you disrespect granddad?"

I was about to say something when someone pulled me.

"Shruti enough is enough go to your room"

"Mom I am not a kid anymore and I understand everything, and I have the fucking right to speak"

"Mind your language Shruti Malhotra, and go to your room now"

Dad's voice bloomed in the office.

I glared at him and ran to my room.

I threw the first thing that came in my hand, then I started trashing the room, until someone stopped me.

"Shruti, calm down"

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