Depression Part 2

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Shanvi's POV


I wasn't able to utter a word, and they were waiting for my explanation, when I myself don't know what happened to me.

"I-I don't know what happened to me, first I fought with dad, then Jahavni got in accident I don't know how but I just felt emptiness, I......I wasn't able to deal with my emotions..... sleepless nights.. I lost appetite.... I felt like a disappointment...... I am a disappointment... I used to had nightmares of the ceasefire, blood it will trigger me more.... I..... I... it's...just...

"Shanvi relax, take deep breaths, don't panic okay"

Jahavni came and hugged me.

Now they will think I am weak, I am fragile, they will end up our friendship.

"You can leave if you want, I am not stopping you"

I said.

"Why do you think that we will leave you?"

Ajey asked.

"Because I am not worthy to be a friend, why would you stay with a mentally unstable person"

I said it out.

"Are you out of your mind sai? You have always been there for all of us, and you expect us to leave you when you need us the most?"

Yash said looking at me sadly.


"No nothing, you relax and no one is leaving you, take your medicine now"

Yash said, and Jahavni gave me the medicine.

"Sai it doesn't matter, it's not possible for everyone to stay strong all the times, and it's okay to show your emotions, it's okay to be weak at a point, but remember we are always here for you"

Ajey said and I gave him a small smile.

A week later
Third Person's P.O.V

Shanvi was fine since she came back, Ajey went live the same day with Shanvi in hospital and told everyone about everything, finally the fake fan pages got criticized by the real fans and the rumors stopped, the girls who mixed drugs were arrested and was supposed to be punished, but Shanvi forced Ajey to take the complaint back, because they were just 18 and their whole future will be destroyed.

After the incident, either one of them would stay with her all the time, Ajey went to Mumbai for some work and would be returning tomorrow and Jahavni was learning music with Yash.

Shanvi's POV


I looked up from my laptop as I heard the bell rang, I stood up and went to open the door.

"Good evening Ma'am, there is a parcel for Shanvi Malhotra"

The delivery boy said.

"Yes I am Shanvi Malhotra"

He handed me a box and gave me a paper to sign, I signed it and too the parcel yo my room.

I put it on my bed and removed the tape and opened it.

A letter was on the top.

'Dear Shanvi,
You hadn't called me in days baby, I miss you very much, I had sent your things that you left in unit, when you was in coma, I forgot to send these to you because of work, come home to meet if you have time.

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