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Shanvi's POV

"Jahavni I wanted to tell you something"

We heard Ajey's voice from the phone.


I said.

"Yeah say it Ajey"

Jahavni said.

Ajey's POV

"Jahavni I hope that this won't ruin our friendship, I have been waiting to say this to you since forever"

I said, looking at her.

Why I am so nervous?

"Yeah..... say"

She said nervously.

"Jahavni I don't know how and when this happened, maybe the way we used to talk, the things we went through...

"Ajey relax and say I calmly Okay?"

Jahavni said, I took deep breath and finally said what I have been dying to say.

"Jahavni I love you"

I said and looked in her eyes, and there was this pin drop silence.

"Jahavni...... jeeya.....

I said and she had tears in her eyes.

"Ajey.... Ajey I love you too..... but... but I can't be in a relationship with you"

I was happy and the next second I felt like my heart had stopped.

"But why Jeeya why?"
I asked I felt like my own eyes moistened.

"I am sorry Ajey, I love you but I just can't"

She said and stood up to left, she opened the door and I held her hand.

"Jahavni you can't do this"

I said.

Third Person's P.O.V

Jahavni took her hand out of Ajey's hold, her tears were flowing freely, she came out of the room, the door next to her opened and Yash and Shavni came in front of her.



They both called her.

"Sai, yash bahiya, I can't believe it"

She said and ran out of the restaurant.

Sai wanted to go behind her but the voice of something breaking came from Ajey's room.

Yash and Shavni ran inside the room to see Ajey trashing all the utensils, tears coming out of his eyes.

"Ajey...... Ajey calm down"

Shanvi said moving near to him.

"Ajey bahi clam down"

Yash said as he held his hand that was bleeding from the glass.


"It's all my fault I ruined it"

Ajey said his voice was hoarse.

"Ajey...... Ajey listen it wasn't your fault at all"

Sai said as she hugged him, Yash patted his back.

"No Shanvi I ruined everything fucking thing, yrr sub khatam hogay"

Shanvi pulled away and made him sat on the chair.

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