Past and memories!!!

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Yash's POV


"Kay hua Jahavni?"

Jahavni looked at me and bended down she pulled out a box underneath the bed.

"Oh no"

She gasped looking at something.

"What happened?"

I asked confused

Jahavni looked at me her face was red in anger, she walked past me holding the picture in her hand, I followed her, she went in the kitchen and put the picture on the stove she was about to turn on the gas, I took away the picture.

"Jahavni pagal hogi h kay?"

I looked at her, I had never seen her this mad.

"Yash bahiya I don't want to argue with you give me that damn bloody picture, the real reason of Shanvi's pain"

She said.

"No, Firstly you tell me everything"
I said.

"Yash bahiya why you and Ajey are so stubborn, can't you for once listen to me?"

"No, you tell me"

She glared at me, and sat on the stool.

"You want to know, right? So listen"

I sat on stool next to her, she took the picture, It was 4 boys, 1 girl, Jahavni and Shavni in the picture, in school uniform.

"Shanvi, Me, Druv, Aditya, Rihan, Sivank, and Ishani"

She said pointing at everyone in the picture I nodded.

"Our life and our friendship is no less than student of the year except no one was Abbhi in the story, Rich kids with helicopter parents, and Shanvi richest of them all, you know us as bestfriend, but you don't know how we became best friends"

She said and I shook my head, we never asked that question.

"Shanvi and I had one thing most common that we started school earlier then normal kids we were only 14 in class 10th, it means all our friends and classmates were 2 years older then us, Shanvi was the school topper, teacher favorite, the ideal kid, that's when I met Shanvi, the most cool yet innocent and beautiful girl ever"

Jahavni said, baki sub to thik h but innocent.

"Me being the naive girl I was on my very first day of school I was in trouble, Shanvi saved me, our class teacher made us bench mates, we became friend, she introduced me to her group, and I became their friend too, It was our farewell day I clearly remember"

"Wait farewell in 10th class?"

I asked, because farewell to 12th mi hoti h.

"Yeah, I don't know why they had this stupid rule, but whatever, Rihan Rathore Shanvi's first boyfriend, and maybe the only one she really had feelings for, he cheated on her"

Oh! Fuck.

"But why? And what happened?"

Third Person's P.O.V

Shanvi was happy, getting her makeup done she left for the hotel, for the farewell party, her phone rang.

"Hey Ri, I am on my way, will be there soon"
She said in her cheerful voice.

"Oh.. okay.. see you there"

He hung up.

She reached the hotel, the whole two halls was booked, she entered and went to find her friends, she reached the second floor, very few students were there, but what she saw made her heart stop.

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