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Anisha Malhotra's POV

I looked at my Sai celebrating Shruti's birthday with her friends and Manas, tears came in my eyes, oh god how I am gonna tell them the truth.

Back to when doctors called Mrs.Malhotra.

"Ma'am how much time will it take for Mr. Malhotra to reach?"

The doctor asked me again.

"Doctor it will take some time for him to come, just tell me what it is you are making me worried"

I said.

"Ma'am I think it would be better if I tell this to both of you at the same time"

"I don't care what you think, I want to know right now"

I gave him a stern look.

"Okay ma'am as you say"

He took out some medical reports.

"See, ma'am here's the thing, Ms. Malhotra's left shoulder isn't normal, where she got shot, she won't be able to use it like she used to, and in other words I will say that it's partly damaged"

"So you are trying to say that my daughter's left arm is disabled?"

I questioned her.

"No Mrs. Malhotra, she isn't disabled at all but the thing is she won't be able to use left arm as she used to do, like no excess weight or continuously use of that arm"

"Will she be able to join Army back?"

I asked.

"There is a possibility if we start her physiotherapy now, maybe she can join back in 6 months, there are 70% chances, but if we delay it for a month then she won't fit in the medical criteria of Army and she will have to take disability retirement"

Okay, that was huge to digest.

"Look doctor, I want you to start physiotherapy but I want you to tell my husband that Shanvi can't join Army at all"

She looked at me shocked.

"Mrs. Malhotra are you sure what are you saying?"

"Doctor, I don't want my daughter to serve in Army she have her dreams and if she take a break now she will definitely be successful in what she wants, so you better do as I say, I can give you anything in return of my daughter's dreams"

I never in my life bribed anyone but for my kids I can do anything.

"Mrs. Malhotra I understand your concern, and I will do as you said there is no need to bribe me, because I don't take it"

"Thank you so much doctor mi appka yeh ahesan kabhi nahi bhulugi, if you ever need anything just call me, and I will disclose this news to Shanvi"

I gave her my card and she smiled.

"It's Okay Mrs. Malhotra, but please tell her not to move her left arm."

Back to present.

"Anisha did you talked to the doctor what did she said?"

Rajeev asked me as soon as he came.

In my whole life I never lied to him, how I am gonna do this.

"Raj, I don't know what to say, Sai.... her... her left arm is not normal like before..... doctor said she doesn't fit in Army criteria, she will have to take disability retirement"

I said looking at him, he wasn't saying anything.

"Raj say something?"

"Anisha it can't be possible, they are lieing, have you told this to Sai?"

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