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This is their mid night conversations of some random nights, and for those who wanted to know about Jahavni's family and all.

Ajey's POV

"Hey Jahavni, sitting alone again?"

I asked Jahavni as I made my way towards her.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?'

She questioned me.

"Just making sure someone don't feel lonely"

I said with a innocent smile.

"Oh stop with these silly jokes, tell me the real reason"

This girl can see through lies except for Shanvi.

"Didn't felt like sleeping"

I said.


What just a Oh, I looked at her she continued looking at the sky.

"Do you have a obsession with night sky, I mean like such a handsome guy is sitting beside you and you are not pay attention at all?"

I said well I love silence but I don't know why I just want to hear her speak.

"You consider yourself handsome?"

She said turning her head to me.

'Kar li bizzati?'

Shut up you idiot brain.

"I don't look bad, do I?"

Jahavni:- "Yeah you don't look bad maybe I never really noticed, because I think you have a inner beauty like Shanvi"

Yeh comment kar rahe h ya compliment.

"So face dosen't matters to you?"

What a question Ajey, you should jump of the roof after this.

Jahavni:- "Well it dose"

Can she be any less honest.

"You are really honest Jahavni, I mean like I had never seen someone accepting the fact that face matters"

She smiled as if remembering something.

Jahavni:- "There was a time when I used to say face dosen't matter, what matters is heart but then"

Ajey:- "Then what?"

Jahavni:- "Then Shavni came and said to me, why do you have crush on one of the most handsome guy in our school, not the one who everyone don't even look at? No right so stop saying that beauty comes from inside"

Ajey :- "you had a crush?"

'Another stupid question Ajey, even if she had she won't tell you'

Will you shut up brain?


"Well yes I had one"

She admitted.


Jahavn:- "Roy"

Ajey:-"Roy Kon?"

Jahavni:-"He was in the same school as me"

Ajey:- "so what happened between you guys?"

Jahavni:- "Well I and Shavni studied in the same school as you know, he was in my class in tenth then I did something very stupid, after that we came in 11th he took Science and I took Humanities, and we never spoke again well Yeah except for once"

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