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2 months later.

Third Person's P.O.V

"Sai yrr abb to uth ja, yrr do month hogaye h, kab tak soye gi"

Jahavni said to Shanvi who is looking same, her wounds are healed but she hasn't moved a bit since last two months.

Mr. Malhotra's POV

"Look Mr. Malhotra it's been two months already, and her wounds are healed but she isn't giving any response"

The doctor said.

"See doctor I just want my daughter to be fine, do you get that?"

"Mr. Malhotra but there isn't any hope for her, she is not even moving a bit, her body is not responding, I think we should pull out the ventilator, she is alive just because of those machine"

I don't know how I am controlling my anger right now, I just want to put a bullet in this man's head.

"Doctor I am paying you, so you better concentrate on making her normal, not giving me excuses"

"Mr. Malhotra, what's the big deal in declaring her dead, after all she will get the title of martyr(saheed)"

He said causally, I punched the table.

"What the hell do you think you are speaking, and how the hell you can be this insensitive"

I paused and took deep breath to calm myself and then I spoke again.

"I fucking own 40% shares of this hospital, and if anything happens to my daughter then you are dead, do you understand that?"

He nodded in fear, I stood up and walked out before giving him a brief murderous glare.

"I went to Shanvi's room, I looked in from the glass window, Shruti and Jahavni were sitting inside, since last two months I hadn't entered this room, I don't want Shruti to be angry, I know her anger towards me is justified, I pushed my kids a way too much, but I did it for there own good.

Yash's POV

It's been three months now, and Shavni didn't moved a bit, the doctors are insisting on pulling out the machines, they consider her dead.

Yesterday I was sitting there with her a idea came in my mind, so I am going to try it today.

Jahavni was sitting beside her, looking at her lifeless from, I was sitting on the sofa, and Ajey beside me.

"Yash bahiya do you really think this is gonna work?"

Jahavni asked but I didn't replied, I started playing the guitar, slow beats, light music helps in healing, maybe just maybe she recovers or shows some movement.

I was continually playing since half hour when Jahavni suddenly yelled.

"Oh my God, Yash bahiya see her hand it's.... it's moving"

I got up and we saw really her fingers were moving.

"Jahavni call the doctor"

Ajey said and Jahavni went out.

The doctors came and looked at her.

"This is a miracle after 3 months there is finally a sign, maybe there is still a hope"

"Thank god we have been waiting to hear this, I wish she just gets up now"
Jahavni said and smiled.

1 months later.

Shanvi's POV

I hear different voices every day, I don't know what's going on, sometimes I hear very soothing music that makes me to open my eyes, but I am not able to move a bit, it's like I am frozen at a place.

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