Meeting Marcus' Family👨‍👨‍👦

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Now that Czarina has set the Mayans up with the prison H trade she tells Marcus "how he (her brother) likes it" and he informs those he put in charge of making what he distributes what she had told him it took the Mayans a few weeks to "perfect" t...

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Now that Czarina has set the Mayans up with the prison H trade she tells Marcus "how he (her brother) likes it" and he informs those he put in charge of making what he distributes what she had told him it took the Mayans a few weeks to "perfect" the new recipe to Tully's liking.... and Czarina actually did have one of Tully's regulars test it out before having it brought to Tully by Marcus' own hand surprisingly enough though Marcus understood why Tully had HIM hand deliver the product he knew the man wanted to get to know the Mexican his sister had fallen in love with in such a short time and being the man that he is Marcus was honest with Tully about everything.... which Tully liked.... yet he didn't delve too deeply into their relationship then again Tully never asked the "deeper" questions.... Marcus worked it out so that he and Czarina could head to Santo Padre to meet his cousin Obispo 'Bishop' Losa he even bought two side cars so that the pups... who he found out were named Nyx and Aušrinė the day he met them.... "you take care of my sister!"  Tully had threatened Marcus darkly during their last meeting "I have no plans to hurt her only love her and never stop!"  Marcus replies it may not have been what Tully wanted to hear but it seemed to satisfy him for he nodded in truth he knew all too well that the particular Mexican that now stands before him would do anything for his big sis he could see it in the man's eyes when he looked at her during their very first introductional meeting.... the only meeting she was a part of.... but as her brother it was Tully's duty to be extra scary to those who plan to whoo her but this man planned on doing more than that, BETTER than that and it showed in every part of his body not just when he looked at her but thought and spoke of her there was a dreamy like quality in the man's eyes that proved he was lost in the love he felt for her Tully had always found it amusing how Czarina could make even her "enemies" do things for her she had everyone wrapped around her finger and melting into a puddle on the floor there is a gentle softness to that woman and Tully couldn't help but wonder if the man before him had seen her hardened darkness yet if he were a betting man he'd say that he hasn't and wondered how this man would react to it for he knew everyone thought of her as this fragile little flower and she was anything but Marcus looks at Tully curiously when he hears a soft chuckle escape the man's lips "it's nothing.... if that's all!"  Tully says Marcus nods then says as he grips the door handle "I will protect mi reina with everything I have and everything that I am!"  Tully's eyebrow raises at those words Czarina had told him that Marcus calls her "his queen" and surprisingly enough it fit for she truly is a queen in everyone's life he just wished his parents could see it.... Tully had always been better at hiding what was in his seemingly cold, dark, empty heart than Czarina was then again her heart was warm, light and full of love even for SOME of the people who hated her she was always civil to their parents for Tully's sake especially since she had to "share" his pups with them "one more thing...."  Marcus says as he opens the door Tully raises an interested eyebrow at him as he continues "Czarina and I are headed to Santo Padre to see my cousin in a few days and I plan on having her move in with me so you'll have to have your parents meet her somewhere else if they want to see the pups for they will NEVER be allowed on my property!"  Tully smiles for that is the proof he needed he was sure that the man had never met his parents for Czarina would have protected him from them Tully nods then watches as the surprisingly handsome Mexican.... his sister really knows how to pick 'em.... leaves the Interrogation Room....

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