🤞🤞🏻🤞🏼Promises Promises🤞🏽🤞🏾🤞🏿

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"When this Galindo Cartel shit is done and over with we're taking a mini at home vacation no club shit for a week!"  Czarina says to Marcus who chuckles she gives him a look he places his forehead on hers and says softly "lo prometo mi reina"  the...

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"When this Galindo Cartel shit is done and over with we're taking a mini at home vacation no club shit for a week!"  Czarina says to Marcus who chuckles she gives him a look he places his forehead on hers and says softly "lo prometo mi reina"  then he kisses her lips truth be told he was hoping he could keep that promise he doesn't like going against his word especially when it's a promise to his wife and other members of his family the fact that she was willing to make it a at home vacation like their first "Honeymoon" warmed his heart and made him smile he knew why she wanted that "vacation" he's never been hurt as badly as he has since his crew and the Reapers started working with the Cartel and she was worried that she may never see him again and that made his heart swell with sadness he knew it wasn't because she didn't trust him or believe that he couldn't take care of himself but he believes she noticed how reckless Romeo's partner is and with Romeo always "away" when it came to the deals in play they both never knew what was going to happen during each meet he (Marcus) would have with him (Luis) and she would kill Luis if anything worse than what already has happened happens to Marcus and Marcus didn't want another murder by her own hand on her conscious especially when she's pregnant.... "I need a favor"  Czarina tells Romeo a few hours later Marcus was shocked that the man who was never to be found when he needed to be found came within seconds when she called him up Romeo smiles at her and jokes with a chuckle in his tone "I should've known!"  she replies "it isn't completely about the Crows.... not in as deeply as Clay wants you to think his "little" errand is it's more for Cha and Juan Carlos.... I was wondering if you could find out what sort of "deal" ADA Potter was going to use J for.... I know it has something to do with RICO or they wouldn't have sent THAT ass here! after all he seems to be used only when they put themselves in a bind they can't break free of the man's good at his job I'll give him that but he lacks the compassion I hope I was right about YOU having!"  she tells him his eyes widen then soften in an instant and he jokes "should I consider this a wedding gift to the lovebirds!?!"  she replies "well depending on what it says I might just show it to Chibs and not them but sure I suppose"  he chuckles "at least TRY!.... who knows you might be able to use that information yourself for whatever reason you really are here for"  she says his eyes widen and stay that way this time as he begins to wonder how she figured him all out "what do you know?!"  he asks quietly "nothing.... I'm a Tully who married a Mayan and is not only friends with a few Native Americans but some chocolate folks too and since I've been taught not to trust anybody but "my own"  my whole life I've taken the time out of my life to learn to read people and how they carry themselves at this point everything I think I know is only speculation"  she replies he chuckles and his heartrate begins to slow down to it's normal pace "I only care about a certain small group of Reapers the others can go fuck themselves!"  she tells him he chuckles as she continues "one's my daughter in laws brother, one is about to marry one of my best friends, one isn't really a member but got stuck in the group because he's not used to being alone and has nowhere else he believes he belongs and four of them I have gotten to know ever since I started dating the king over there listening in on the conversation!"  she nods her head over at her chuckling husband and Romeo chuckles "the Scot, the bearded Elvis, the Viking and the oddball"  she tells Romeo who's chuckles turn into soft laughter for he knew who she meant on all accounts.... the Viking being Opie, the oddball being Tig the non-member member is Chucky who he has yet to and may never meet.... "that wife of yours is too smart for her own good!"  Romeo tells Marcus a few minutes later "sí, lo sé"  Marcus replies with a smile then Romeo leaves....

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