😊Smile For Me Baby👼🏻

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Around the time Czarina got shot Izella had saved a young boys life by running over to him and moving him out of the way the mother of the boy wouldn't stop thanking her with tears in her eyes Izella did her best to calm the mother until she saw H...

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Around the time Czarina got shot Izella had saved a young boys life by running over to him and moving him out of the way the mother of the boy wouldn't stop thanking her with tears in her eyes Izella did her best to calm the mother until she saw Hale carry her mother in law over to the grass then she ran over to the woman she's loved for most of her life and begun to check for a pulse now she along with Deputy Cheif David Hale, Marcus, Esai, Zarouhi, Happy who was her ride and wouldn't let anyone else but him take her and Juice who followed them to St Thomas just in case he was needed for anything sat in the waiting room anxiously waiting for Czarina to get out of surgery.... Tara had watched in shock as Jax kept pounding the man who was thrown out of the van face into the road after seeing the redhead he had called Czarina be brought over to the grassy area of the funeral home then she watched as Bobby, Opie and Clay rush over to stop Jax from killing the man in anger.... the first face Czarina wanted to see was the man who's name she whispered when she woke up "Marcus!?!"  the nurse who was checking up on her hears the redhead whisper and she walks out of the room to find the man who's name was written on the woman's breast "Mr. Alvarez you're wife's just waking up now she asked for you"  the nurse tells the anxiously pissed off looking Mexican who's leg kept bouncing up and down as though it was giving his body something to do besides the one thing he wanted to do Marcus shoots up from his chair and rushes past the nurse towards his wife's room politely whispering thank you as he passed by her the nurse nods in reply as she watches him speed past her with wide frightened eyes.... "no!.... don't do that!"  Marcus hears Czarina whisper softly as he sits by her bed holding her hand trying very hard not to cry "I don't want to see your tears when I open my eyes I want to see you smile!"  she tells him he smiles then leans forward and kisses her lips "estoy orgulloso de ti mi reina"  he whispers softly once his lips leave hers she smiles then teases "I figured you'd be pissed"  he replies "at you no at the idiots who did this to you yes!"  she asks "is Izella!?!"  he nods and replies "you'd be proud of her too it seems you were not the only hero of the night she had saved a the life of a young boy who was there"  she smiles then squeezes his hand not in pain but trying to comfort him and cool the anger she knows he's doing his best to hide "my nurse still lives right!?!"  she jokes he chuckles then replies with a smile "yes it's possible that I may have frightened her a bit but she lives.... I should apologize for that!"  she says "send her flowers what girl doesn't love flowers!?!"  he chuckles "who's here?!"  she asks "Happy, Iz, Esai, Zar, Juice and Deputy Hale"  he replies "Juice!?!"  she asks with a slightly surprised and confused tone he nods "that poor little errand boy!"  she teases he chuckles then says "apparently he wanted to come"  she smiles "do you want me to go get any of them?!"  he asks "no!.... no offense to the others but all I want to see is you!.... besides if you leave here you might do something you'll regret later on.... you're their king they look up to you and unfortunately it befalls upon you to be the "better man".."  she replies he smiles then asks curiously "what did Happy promise!?!"  she replies "that if he took on the duty of retaliation he would take you and Esai with him"  he smiles "I want to go home but I know I can't.... not for a few days anyway!"  she says softly then she whisperingly begs softly as she feels herself become tired "don't leave me!"  he promises softly as he slides his free hand through her hair "I'm not going anywhere!"  he feels her squeeze his hand one more time then watches as she closes her eyes and falls into a soft slumber.... Marcus hated the fact that his wife got hurt by the putas he didn't even patch in who were trying to prove how stupidly gangster they were instead of smart and coolheaded like he needed his crew to be what he hated the most out of all of it was that not only did they know her and his daughter in law would be at that wake for the Reaper Prospect he also hated that the reason she got hurt wasn't to hurt him but his now once again enemy but the worst part was that he couldn't do anything about it because they were now his responsibility and.... unwanted as they may be.... members of his crew that he supposedly "desperately" needed what was worst was that he actually feared telling her brother about it because in all it was his fault for as his wife had pointed out he's the "king" of the crew the "high and mighty" president that everything falls upon whether it was his decision or not if he had been there when they got patched in he never would have patched them at all but it was too late to change the ruling so he had to figure out a different way to get rid of his new problem and he knew of a few Reapers who just might come in handy for that particular job he just hoped they'd be willing to do it he knows Happy will be hell if Ron Tully could he would too.... once his wife was in a deep enough slumber that he could let her hand go without waking her Marcus went to go get the others so they could see her and so that they didn't get in trouble with the staff they each went in two at a time the only one who stayed throughout the whole thing was Marcus because he knew there would be hell to pay if Czarina woke up again and didn't see him there smiling at her even if it was a forced one she'd hopefully take it as a true one for his sake if anything for it hurt him to see her laying in that bed still sexy as hell even in the hospital scrubs in a pained and semi weakened state....

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