👉🏽👱🏼‍♂️👈🏽You Deal With Her!👧🏻👈

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That night Juice met his new friend the Great Dane his wife bought them as a member of their family and her extra protection at work named Cheveyo when she brought him into Scoops since he couldn't go home yet and he loved the boy to bits now there's Chu, Chu, Che, Che and Cha in the Romero family Cheveyo ended up being a great comfort to Brooke who was the one who created the "air conditioning" in the ice cream shoppe thanks to her throwing a wrench at the window he stayed with the young girl even as Jax talked to her laying his (Cheveyo) head on her thigh enjoying the gentle petting her hand gave him.... Juice had chuckled when he found out that Chantesuta bought a side car that matched the Harley he got in Eureka for him so that if he wanted to take Cheveyo with him to Scoops or even on a job he could Juice smiles as he watches Cheveyo lay his head on Jax's knee as Jax tells them the shit Tara is putting him through God he knew what it felt like when he and Chantesuta lost the child they never knew they were going to have but to have Tara fake that shit he knew Jax must be crushed and adding a divorce on top of all that he's squashed like a bug on a windshield or roadkill Jax lays his forehead on top of Cheveyo's as though thanking him for his comfort which Jax seemed to need tenfold at this point in time.... luckily for Tara Chantesuta did a quick lesson for Juice so that he knew all the training signals to make Cheveyo start or stop something or she would have been put in the hospital as a patient instead of an employee after she ran Juice's Harley over when he was sent to look after her and make sure she didn't take Abel and Thomas out of Charming Tara fled in fear when she heard the large Great Dane bark at her then Juice whistle a loud low piercing whistle to get the pup to stay at his side.... Tara finds Chantesuta laughing, chatting and flirting with Juice giving him small kisses every now and again as she slides her hand along his thigh Chantesuta looks up when she hears Cheveyo growl lowly as Tara walks towards them and she leans back in her chair with a small smirk on her face as Tara asks Juice "what are you doing here?!"  Juice replies looking up at her trying very hard to ignore his throbbing hard cock "I always come to a hospital when someone runs me over"  Chantesuta lets out a short soft chuckle that only Juice heard and he tries to hide his smile at the sound as Tara says "tell Jax I don't need a watchdog"  Juice stands up out of his chair with a sigh and replies "I'm just keeping an eye on Abel and Thomas to make sure they don't go anywhere they're not supposed to a request of their grandmother"  Tara shuffles slightly as she moves her purse up to her shoulder then asks "where is he?"  Juice replies "I don't know"  Tara says "just tell me where he is asshole"  Chantesuta shoots up out of her chair and growls darkly as she gets in the woman's face "don't talk to my husband like that bitch!"  Tara backs away in fear especially after Cheveyo joins in and growls at her Juice hides his smile as he takes his wife's hand in his own and feels her calm down instantly at his touch "Diosa, Stockton meeting with his partner Colette here let me get you the address"  Juice tells Tara as his wife returns to his side and Cheveyo calms and takes a step back as well and Juice pets his back making his tail wag happily and Juice opens his phone and gives Tara the address to Diosa Del Sur Escorts and Massage once Tara leaves them alone Chantesuta turns so that she now stands face to face with her husband she lays her arms along his shoulders and coos "I'm proud of you! you handled that better than I did!"  he chuckles softly and asks with a smirk "yeah!?!"  she nods then coos alluringly as she slides her hands from his neck down to the center of his hoodie "let me show you how proud I am!"  his eyebrow raises as she walks backwards as her hands gently grip his hoodie and she pulls him into the room across from them Cheveyo stands guard outside the door as her lips lock with Juice's and she starts to strip him of his hoodie then his pants she jumps into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist and makes love to him up against the wall next to the still open door as quietly as she possibly could while still keeping her usual strength and speed when she rocked up against him and he thrusted into her once they were spent and redressed they walk down to the daycare and visit Abel and Thomas hand in hand introducing them to their pup who loved the boys as much as they loved him.... Jax couldn't help but chuckle with a smile when he saw and entire room of children climb on top of the Great Dane and just about use him as a slide/jungle gym and the dog took it with a doggie smile on his face licking those he could reach on theirs making them laugh "hey Abe look who's here!"  Chantesuta whispers softly when she sees Jax Abel turns and sees his father standing in the doorway of the daycare and he rushes over to him happily calling out "daddy!"  Jax smiles and lifts him up hugging him to him as Juice gets Thomas ready to go "thank you both!"  Jax says softly as Juice and Chantesuta walk over to him with Thomas and the diaper bags "anytime Che had fun!"  Chantesuta replies Jax chuckles "if you need anything as long as I'm not at work you know where we live they're always welcome in our home"  she says taking a smiling Juice's hand in hers Jax hugs her then leaves with his boys in tow....

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