🆘His Saving Grace Her Own Private Hell🆘

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"Don't bring Nero into it!"  Czarina says to Marcus before he leaves her to head to his next meet he chuckles softly with a smile "it isn't funny Marcus! he needs someone he can trust and at the moment he isn't sure who that is! if you bring him i...

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"Don't bring Nero into it!"  Czarina says to Marcus before he leaves her to head to his next meet he chuckles softly with a smile "it isn't funny Marcus! he needs someone he can trust and at the moment he isn't sure who that is! if you bring him into what you have planned then he'll be even more lost!.... his boys may not always use their head but he tries to, as you said he's partners with Jax so it isn't as bright and clear as it should be!.... he's a man looking for a peaceful solution in a not so peaceful world don't make him lose what little light he believes people like him have left please! me and "my army" can only do so much and if you do this.... we'll be able to do even less!"  she begs softly he kisses her cheek which is something he hardly ever does which tells her that he's about to break an unmade promise she sighs softly then gets their children ready for the ride home by placing them in their car seats and Marcus watches her back with a sad expression on his face what was worse was that he didn't get a kiss goodbye which told him she knew more than she should for she was always able to read his signals no matter how sneaky he thought he was being she always knew then again she came from a family who bred untrustworthiness so it didn't really surprise him it did however make him sad that he broke her like that making her sink into that deep dark cesspool with him which is something never wanted to do he needed her light and feared that he may never get it again.... Marcus saw how right his wife was after he finished working out his plan but he believed it was a lesson Nero needed to learn he should have known that the man already learned it by being a partner with Jax and how dark that boy is becoming especially when he found out that Nero was left in the dark with what happened with the Chinese but what was done was done and it was too late to do anything about it now.... when Marcus got home he sees his wife laying on the couch fast asleep with the baby monitor sitting on the coffee table in the on position he smiles then walks over and kisses her forehead his smile becomes a frown when she doesn't even stir which is what usually happens when he kisses her no matter how deep her dreams were she always felt his presence and always woke up to his kiss with a smile on her face he takes the baby monitor with him as he goes to check on his children and finds them also sleeping his smile reappears on his face and he kisses their foreheads softly before walking out of the room and into the garage to think until his children wake up and cry for attention, food and diaper change.... "I know! I'm not all that happy with his decision either and I don't even know the fullness of what happened there but I also don't control what he does nor will I ever control it! none of them are working out the best way to gain one anothers trust which is what they need most of all!.... all I know is that he does what he believes is right for his side of the world and that he isn't always happy with the decisions he has to make but someone has to, I asked him not to put you in the middle of it but it seems that for the first time ever he didn't listen to me and I'm sorry you had to see that side of him!"  Marcus hears Czarina say softly into her phone as he walks out of the nursery with their children in his arms and he frowns for he knew exactly who she was talking to "sure thing Neron.... hey I had to give it a try!.... you take away the "r" and people will start calling you Neon and with those tattoos!.... on second thought they're not that colorful!.... the ones I'VE seen anyway!"  she says then she laughs "see you later Mr. Padilla"  she says with a smile in her tone which makes Marcus smile once she hangs up she walks out of the house onto the porch and Marcus frowns once more he knew she knew he was there but he also knew why she didn't come over to him like she normally would and it made him sad he follows her outside and stands at her side not saying a word and surprisingly enjoying the silence for it could have been worse she could have left completely but like she promised she didn't leave she just didn't like that side of him and truth be told neither did he but it wasn't that that pissed her off for she would normally comfort the pain he felt when he made decisions like that it was the fact that he broke an unspoken promise that he never made he put a friend in the middle of his danger who was already facing a danger of his own thanks to his "partner" and once that sunk in even Marcus was pissed at himself for his own stupidity he smiles when he feels his wife wrap her arms around his waist and lay her head on his shoulder then chuckle as their son tries to eat her nose as though he was trying to give her the kisses he usually sees his daddy give her and he laughs "don't you dare Andrés!"  Czarina says Marcus looks at her oddly then he hears one of his men say "too late reina that boys going to be a great kisser just like his father!"  Marcus turns to face the Mayan walking up towards his house and sees him put his phone away with a smile on his face and he chuckles he bursts out laughing when his wife asks playfully "oh so you know how good a kisser his father is!?! and just how do you know that!?! where are the pictures of that hmm!?!"  Andrés blushes as he stumbles with his words then smiles when he hears his presidente laugh....

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