🤝🏻A Meeting Of The Minds🧠

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"Why were those idiots patched in anyway!?! I thought you guys were doing ok with the deal you made Tul"  Czarina asks Marcus once Happy leaves "we're losing more than we're gaining at least when it comes to members I only used Zobelle for his guns you know how hard it is for us to get those so we can protect ourselves and our families and in truth every little bit helps so if he was willing to do what he said he could do I had to try"  Marcus replies she kisses the top of his head and he smiles when he feels her soft lips caress his scalp he looks up at her and she looks down at him and their lips meet as he kisses her he grips her hip and slides her down so that she now sits on his lap instead of the arm of his chair she turns her body so that she's now straddled on his lap her knees bent next to each of his legs and he smiles as she wraps her arms around his neck and deepens the kiss combing her fingers through the back of his head he moans softly when he feels the tips of her fingers massage the back of his scalp his body moves to lay her down on the floor but he stops himself in fear of hurting her shoulder "it's ok mi rey!"  she whispers softly "no I....!"  he whispers in reply "Marcus!"  she whispers with an alluring tone and his cock throbs at the sound "some ones eager!"  she teases with a smirk he smiles then says "I just don't want to hurt you!"  she replies "you can be gentle and take care of me when we're done"  he smiles then stands up she wraps her legs around his waist and he carries her to the bedroom where they make gentle love to one another on their bed and once they were spent they took a shower then sat side by side on their bed and he made sure to make up for the imaginary pain he caused her new wound massaging her back as they spoke about little things just so they could hear one anothers voices and get rid of the silence that constantly took over the place.... "I want you to do something for me"  Czarina says to Marcus who chuckles then asks "what!?!"  she replies as she sensually traces his signature tattoo with her finger "I'd like to add two small crowns above your name.... I probably should have had it done when I had the tattoo itself done since we call each other "king" and "queen" but.... it'll carry more meaning if you do it and I felt bad enough for letting someone else touch my breast as it is even if it was just my brother!"  he laughs then says with a surprised tone "your brother did it!?!"  she nods and replies "I went to Irish Freddy borrowed a kit and asked Tul to do it when I visited him the day I got it done.... there are very few people I let touch me especially of the male persuasion and I felt safer with my brother doing it he's always careful and let me keep my bra on!"  he chuckles then kisses her lips and says "I'd love too!"  he slides off the bed and leaves the room long enough to go get his own kit and he carefully tattoos two tiny Mayan crowns side by side on her breast above his name "and now you have two things to take care of"  she says once he finishes he chuckles then kisses her lips and says softly "I love taking care of you mi reina!".... Marcus wasn't happy that Czarina wanted to go back to work so soon after getting hurt but he let her go when she promised "I'll only work at Floyd's that way I'm not moving my shoulder too much or picking up anything heavy while it's still healing I got a few more vacation days at Elliot's than I do at Floyd's anyway!"  he chuckles then says with a smile "ok!.... fine!.... you win!.... just Floyd's and you take Jesse with you!"  she chuckles then replies "if he's alright with it then done!"  he chuckles then takes out his phone and calls up Jesse to see if "he'd be alright with it".... which he was.... "what a way to compromise!"  Czarina chuckles once Marcus gets off the phone and Marcus chuckles then kisses her lips "you're driving me!"  she orders he laughs then says with a smile "alright mi reina"  she kisses his lips and says with a smile of her own "best compromise yet this means I get to hold you longer!"  he blushes with a smile and they head out to his Harley and drive to Floyd's barbershop to talk to the elderly man about Marcus' rules for letting her work "when she should be resting".... "I'll take care of him Floyd"  Czarina tells Floyd as she walks into the barbershop she saw how uncomfortable the people were when they saw Piney walk in and didn't want their problems to disrupt his business Floyd nods then clears off the chair she usually uses when she works "thanks Cza"  Floyd says as Piney sits down in the chair he just cleared "no problem but you might want to go talk to the king out there he's got some rules that need to be followed"  she replies nodding her head towards her smiling husband who was still sitting on his Harley Piney looks out the window and stares in shock at the Mayan president who Floyd was now talking to "Czarina Alvarez formerly Tully"  she introduces herself to the denim kutte clad Reaper who looks up at her and replies "Piney Winston"  Piermont "Piney" Winston replies "Opie's dad?!"  she asks with a smile he nods "save the wife shave the father I wonder what you'd all have me do with the mother.... then again maybe not!"  she jokes the men who were going to leave once they saw Piney but stayed when they saw Czarina chuckle Piney and Unser look at her oddly "a tale for another day gentlemen"  she tells them they nod "so what am I doing for you today Pine?!"  she asks as she gets down to the nitty gritty Piney tells her what Floyd usually does for him and she gets straight to work "did he go easy on you!?!.... I see no bruises so he must have!"  Czarina jokes when Floyd walks back inside and she hears the purr of her husbands Harley drive away the guys in the shop laugh and Floyd shakes his head with a smile on his face "got another one did you?!"  Floyd asks when he sees the bandage on her breast "an addition two crowns"  she replies he nods knowing full well that she and Marcus call each other king and queen in spanish on occasion....

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