🤼‍♂️🤼‍♀️My Lumps🥊🥊

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The day half of the Mayan crew decided to train at Lumpy Feldstein's Gym just happened to be the day Darby decided to drop by and try to follow through on a bribe made by the elder Hale Jacob Jr who was trying to become Mayor and rule the roast be...

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The day half of the Mayan crew decided to train at Lumpy Feldstein's Gym just happened to be the day Darby decided to drop by and try to follow through on a bribe made by the elder Hale Jacob Jr who was trying to become Mayor and rule the roast before Darby could get two words out he felt the barrel of a gun touch his temple and he freezes when he sees a group of Mayans turn and stare at him with dark threatening expressions on their faces "I would rethink that thought if I were you!"  he hears a familiar exotically ethereal voice that drives his mind and body crazy say in a tone that matched the Mayans expressions Darby gulps "you can tell Junior that Lumpy's is under the protection of the Mayans as you can see we use this place a lot and if he wants to make a deal he can come find me!.... if I find you or any of his other minions within a two feet distance of this gym I will kill them comprende!?!"  she threatens Darby nods slowly letting the fear he feels for his own life show like the true coward that he is "now leave before you're blood is the first to soak the floor!"  she says and he backs up then walks out of the gym frightened and aroused by her actions "sorry Lumpy"  Czarina says with a much kinder tone than she used with Darby once the man who wishes he were god disappears from view "it's alright Cza"  Lumpy replies "now how am I gonna explain this to Marcus!?!"  she asks herself with a soft mutter and the men around her chuckle softly as Jesse says with a smile "I'll do it!"  Czarina shakes her head with a smile on her face as she watches her friend take out his phone, speed dial a number then put it up to his ear and start speaking into it then she goes back to her game of fun with one of Lumpy's regulars who waited for her in the boxing ring.... "hey Chuckie is Tig around?!"  Czarina says into her phone a few minutes later after her little friendly bout with the regular at Lumpy's Gym "yeah just a sec"  Chuckie replies then she hears him call out "hey Tig Rina on 3!"  a few seconds later she hears Tig ask into the receiver "what's up!?!"  and she replies "I know you guys like to look out for Lumpy but the Mayans and I are taking care of it today! he had a visitor a few moments ago bribed by the suit trying to buy this place who tried and get the stubborn Jew to sell it which anyone who truly knows him knows he won't! you can send some assistance if you like just not a Prospect if it's a Prospect I'm just gonna send him right back to you then shove him up your ass because you didn't listen to me and I'm pretty sure your farts don't smell like roses!"   he chuckles then says "alright and I'll have you know my farts smell better than roses!"  she chuckles then says "see you around Tig"  Tig replies softly "yeah see ya!"  then they hang up.... that night Czarina sat in the dark behind Lumpy's glass counter in his front room that had some boxing gloves and other things in it with her brother's pups by her side and as soon as Salazar crashed his way in the idiot ended up with a bullet in the center of his forehead as soon as his eyes met hers once he heard the pups low growl of warning after the puta's body hit the floor Czarina calls up her husband and says in a low soft voice that almost didn't sound like hers "Marcus!?!"  Marcus who stayed up the entire night worried about his wife.... not that he would have been able to sleep without her by his side anyway.... replies without a second thought as to why she spoke that way "I'm on my way!"  then he hangs up, stands up out of his chair, walks over to his kutte and keys picks them up, slides his kutte on and heads to his Harley, climbs on and drives to Lumpy's where he knew she was once he walks into Lumpy's gym he sees Salazar's bloody dead body laying on the floor then feels the pups nudge his knees he reaches down and pets them then sees why they had nudged him for his wife stood in front of the glass counter staring at nothing with the gun in her hand at her side she jumps when she feels him take the gun from her then melts into his embrace as he hugs her and whispers softly "I'm proud of you mi reina!"  she chuckles softly then replies "he deserved it anyway!"  he hugs her just a little tighter then feels her tears start to fall she didn't cry for the man she killed only that she had to kill him the shock of shooting someone is going to take her a little too long to get over for she was normally a "find a peaceful solution" kinda woman and dealing death is anything but peaceful and should never be a solution to ANY problem they stand there for a few minutes in silence just holding each other then Marcus takes her and the pups home where she takes a shower then they head to bed with the pups laying at their feet which only happens when "bad things" happen and for Czarina this is one of the worst.... luckily Lumpy never found out what had happened for as soon as Marcus felt Czarina fall into a deep enough sleep that he could slide out from under her he does just that then calls his son and tells him to take a few of the boys and go clean up the "mess at Lumpy's" I hate to say it but even Esai was proud of his stepmother once he and Jesse saw what the mess was a Happy Lowman kinda proud....

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