⚔️Chibs Jaxxin Tig⚔️

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Just like Marcus did when he lost Rafi Opie had the "army of redheads" at his side at his fathers memorial that is until Jax walked over then he got a kiss on the cheek and the four women and two ladies head over to the rest of the group keeping a...

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Just like Marcus did when he lost Rafi Opie had the "army of redheads" at his side at his fathers memorial that is until Jax walked over then he got a kiss on the cheek and the four women and two ladies head over to the rest of the group keeping as far away from Frankie and the other two newest Prospects and Clay lovers as possible Izella, Zarouhi, Chu'mana and Chu'si stayed close to Happy who took his daughter from his wife as soon as they walked over to him, Tig picks up Zarouhi and holds her in his arm then wraps his free one around Izella's neck and over her shoulder, Chantesuta stood by Juice and Czarina stood in front of Chibs who laid his arm on her shoulders and hugged her collarbone and all but two went to Teller-Morrow when the whole thing was done both Czarina and Opie went home to grieve (Opie) and see their family.... which in Czarina's case is at the moment just Marcus.... Chibs learns just how right his redheaded Mayan's wife friend was when he sees Jade chatting with Eli when he and the rest of those who went to Piney's memorial ride into Teller-Morrow the girl seemed to be arguing with the black man telling him she wanted to stay and Eli walks away from her looking very irritated.... all the girls were not at the club once Clay arrived inside and after once again finding out the truth of Clay's lies Tig was grateful to Czarina and Marcus for having him watch the pups for them for he knew that he would have done something very stupid if he didn't have them with him like go after Laroy and yet he was still clueless to Czarina's truth that for the first time since he's known her SHE lied to him about not hearing anything from the guys about his reaction to Clay getting shot.... the date became real so that wasn't a FULL lie.... "where are our girls?!"  Happy asks Chucky when he and the guys walk out of church "they didn't want to be here when Clay got in so they went home"  Chucky replies Happy nods satisfied with his answer then he walks up to the bar and pours himself a drink waiting to see if he was needed for anything before heading home himself.... Jade took over as Clay's pet mouse taking care of his every need which meant that Juice was home every night after he finished with work for the club Jade loves the power Clay exerts even though she has no idea he didn't have much of what he used to have anymore she knew he had lost the presidents patch but she figured he'd still have some leeway with the guys since he was their prez for so long.... after Jax's mom's place was busted into Jax went on a manhunt to find out who was behind the home invasions he knew it wasn't the Mayans for Czarina would kick any and all their asses if she heard they did something that stupid so he checked with all the other crews that they knew and when Laroy found out that Jax was once again blaming "his boys" for something they had nothing to do with he went above his own head to Damon Pope's number one August Marks who went to his boss and Damon started to cause trouble for the Reapers since he never wanted to have this many eyes on him and he started with the "weakest link" then worked his way up the food chain to the brand new prez and made him his puppet.... after losing his father Opie asks for a pardon from the club to get out clean and to his surprise it was granted.... Tara and Jax get married at the Abel's favorite playground and Jax asks Juice to find Tara a wedding dress and Juice calls up his woman for assistance with his newest job Jax stares at Chantesuta in surprise when she walks into the clubhouse with six white bags slung in her arms he chuckles with a smile and walks over to her when he realizes what she was holding "Juice put you to work huh?!"  he asks "yeah well we women know more about this type of shit then you men do so....!"  she replies he chuckles then says "this is true!" she tells him "there are six choices here cause I don't really know her or her "style" so I just took a guess and I suppose prayed I made good choices.... here's the receipt you can send Juice back with the leftovers.... if she doesn't ruin them.... I actually touched Juice's drug money to buy these so she doesn't have to pay me back but if they do get damaged she's paying for the repairs!"  he laughs then takes the bags out of her arms and says "thanks!"  then walks away "oh and by the way I don't know what sort of shit you got yourself into now but I was able to talk the Sheriff into waiting till after you left the wedding to put you in cuffs he'll be waiting here when you're through putting on your newer heavier not so shiny ball and chain so don't rush over and beat his ass when you see him and his cronies!"  she tells his departing figure then she walks out of the club listening to his laughter follow her out she walks over to her Harley and rides out of Teller-Morrow.... Tara was surprised to see that she actually had a wedding dress to wear and REAL exotic flowers to hold what surprised her the most was that everything.... but the rings which she got from Gemma.... came from the twins "I asked Juice who asked them to get everything"  Jax had told her Abel was one of the most handsome ring barriers anyone in Charming has ever seen Bobby walked her down the aisle and Chibs officiated the wedding.... Izella helped him get his license so he could do it legally.... surprisingly enough it was one of the happiest days of Tara's life since she came back to Charming and it was all thanks to two sexy redheads that she barely knew and still hated cause she was filled with nothing but hate for everything now and even though she blames the club she brought this "mysterious" darkness onto herself for she's not as strong as she thinks she is but she is most assuredly very manipulative just like her now mother in law and though she'll never admit it she was that way long before Gemma had "trained" her.... "some Honeymoon huh!?!"  Chantesuta jokes softly as she stands next to Jax "yeah!"  Jax replies with a soft chuckle in his tone "at least you got one!"  he adds "yeah and if it weren't for Chibs we never would have besides I wouldn't call going to see family a Honeymoon!"  she replies he laughs and cups her shoulder in his hand then goes to allow Eli and his men to put him in cuffs then throw him into a truck....

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