Jax Should Have Thought Of That🤔💭

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Czarina slaps Tig's one good ass cheek making it jiggle a little bit as he lays on the church table waiting to get stitched up "what!?! I couldn't resist!"  she coos playfully looking at her smiling husband who stands next to her Marcus chuckles a...

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Czarina slaps Tig's one good ass cheek making it jiggle a little bit as he lays on the church table waiting to get stitched up "what!?! I couldn't resist!"  she coos playfully looking at her smiling husband who stands next to her Marcus chuckles as she sticks the needle full of a local antibiotic in the cheek she just smacked then gets to work on stitching her friends other cheek "we're good Scotty if I need help I'll ask my king"  Czarina says to her Scottish friend who was also in the room with them Chibs nods as Marcus' smile grows and he moves closer to his wife without getting in her way and slides his hand along her lower back Gemma looks at Marcus and Czarina oddly as she walks into the meeting room "he asked for this!"  Czarina tells her without looking over at the Reaper queen Marcus chuckles Gemma walks over to Tig and asks as she slides her hand over his shoulder "how you holdin up Tiggy?"  Tig replies "I don't know if this is good or bad but I am totally hard right now"  Czarina laughs and Gemma chuckles as Tig says "just sayin...."  Marcus watches his wife take care of her friend with a look of pride in his eyes yes he got mad when Tig said that he was hard but he calmed down when his wife laughed about it and he knew it was a true laugh because there was a sparkle in her eyes that he loved seeing once she was finished Czarina and Marcus head back home.... a few days later Czarina leans up against her husbands Harley while he meets with Henry Lin of the Lin Triad, Jax and Tyler Yost of the One-Niners who wouldn't keep his eyes off her the whole meet whereas her eyes never left her husbands ass/backside "Pope and the Sons have settled their differences we're good with the Niners again"  Jax tells the group "yeah, I heard about the shift in management"  Marcus replies "we here for a group hug?"  Lin asks "maybe" Jax replies "I'll go for one if she joins!"  Tyler says opening his mouth in a way he shouldn't as he nods his head over at Czarina Marcus' squeezes his hands into tight fists as he tries to control his anger then he hears his wife say with a dark threatening tone that she must have learned from Happy "yeah and if you keep staring at me you'd be lucky to keep those ugly eyes of yours! and if you even try to hug me you'll lose your arms!"  Tyler's eyes widen in fear and Marcus and Jax chuckle.... at the end of the meeting after Jax says to the two men and the little boy he's with "hey let's do this more often I miss you guys"  Marcus lets out a short soft chuckle then walks over to his wife and his lips meet hers "the brownies might end up looking for new management again if that niñito looks at me again his eyes never left the whole meeting!"  Marcus's hand clench into tight fists again he becomes distracted when she softly slides her hands over his and places his knuckles up against her lips kisses them then says softly "you know I only got eyes for you mi rey! that little boy isn't worth the pleasure of getting to know tu reina in any light! now kiss me again and lets go home!"  he smiles then his lips meet hers her body moves backward slightly at the force of his kiss his arms wrap themselves around her as a reflex to catch her before she falls and her hands cup his cheeks as she deepens the kiss her tongue begging for entry which he grants and Czarina's eyes meet a jealous looking Tyler's who notices that he was seen watching her and he walks over to his car and leaves Marcus grins as his lips part from his wife's then they climb onto his Harley and ride home with Czarina's hands massaging his cock and chest the whole way there and then he makes love to her once they get home....

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