🥵🌹🍒🍷Happy Meets His Redhead 🌶️♨️💋🚨

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👆🏻 Czarina's dress choices reminder 😉

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👆🏻 Czarina's dress choices reminder 😉

Marcus watches as Czarina walks over to his Harley, hops on and rides over to the racers who let her join them in the next race and he couldn't help but let a small smile grace his handsome features he knew he had other concerns to worry about but his eyes kept wandering over to her and their daughter in law who also joined in the race that is until he along with a few of his men, the Reapers and the Grim Bastards walk towards the mens room to deal with Salazar and he couldn't see the women he loves.... both in a different way.... with all his heart.... Happy and Juice end up watching Izella and Czarina race since they got left behind when the rest went to go "take a piss" that is until Esai came over with his daughter and Happy instantly took the princess from him Esai chuckles softly when Happy gently takes Zarouhi out of his arms then he turns his attention to his gorgeous wife who was riding his Harley in the race "you can walk around with her if you like.... I trust you Happy.... I don't really know you.... uh.... Juice is it?! but if Happy trusts you that's enough for me just.... keep her away from Clay neither of those two redheads over there like him and truth be told neither do I!"  Esai says without looking away from his wife Happy and Juice nod then Happy pats the Mexican on the shoulder and he and Juice walk away to go play with the young princess on a clear patch of grass a little ways away from the crowd.... when Czarina sees Marcus walk over to the crowd that was watching the race she stops racing and says to the guys around her "I think Iz won that one!"  the guys chuckle "aww come on guys let the momma win at least one!"  she jokes they laugh Izella smiles shaking her head at her and Czarina drives the Harley over to a smiling Marcus then stops it and climbs off she takes his hand and says "dance with me!"  Marcus chuckles and lets her lead him to a empty area at the rally where they could be alone but still hear the music as soon as they reach the area she gently presses her body up against his and slides her hand over the back of his head and through his hair as they begin to meld as one as they dance he presses his nose into her hair and breathes in her beautiful soft scent then his body sighs as it starts to relax "you always know what to do mi reina!"  he whispers into her ear "not always mi rey"  she replies he leans back and slides his hand up her cheek making her look into his eyes he kisses her lips and says "yes always! you always know when I need you and what I need from you and you let me take it without question or judgement and I love you for that and so many other things and I....!"  she interrupts him by placing her finger over his lips and saying "shh! dance don't talk! enjoy the moment of silence while it lasts the sound of our hearts beating as one in a rhythm no one and nothing can match with beauty nothing can compare too!"  he smiles then kisses her finger before it moves away from his lips then he kisses her lips and holds her close to him laying her head on his shoulder as they continue to dance he kisses her neck softly and starts to leave a small trail of kisses along the side of it until he hears her scold with a slightly playful tone "Marcus!"  and he chuckles with a smile and she swats his ass with her hand which makes him laugh "oh! looks like we gained an audience!"  Czarina coos Marcus turns his head and sees the families of his men standing around them watching them dance and his laughter grows making the group that surrounds them smile....

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