Bring Us To The Rapture☦☠✝️

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Jax knew that Juice wouldn't rat on the club thanks to his wife Chantesuta for she helped keep him strong and whole and that he was and/or never felt alone not to mention Juice doesn't hang around Clay unless it's at the clubhouse or on a job he also knew that Juice's wife would kill him if he pulled him into anything and he guessed who it was that got Miles killed and was the true reason the club almost got stuck with RICO Clay's new clingy arm candy the Crow Eater named Jade now he just had to figure out what to do about her for no one in the club would usually hurt women and a Crow Eater had no real true power so he was quite curious as to how she got her information to begin with and thanks to the poor lost soul who just lost his wife and unborn child (Eli) his suspicions of that particular bitch had been brought to light and made a reality he also knew that she never got into Juice's head because Juice is already hung over the moon in love with his sexy redhead who really is the best choice of a woman for that man what's worse is that he finds out that that Jade is a ex-undercover agent who was brought in by ADA Lincoln Potter to do as she promised she could do so he could succeed in his RICO case he does however learn.... via Chibs.... that Eli and Potter did TRY to bring Juice in to do what Jade did for them and he found out why they had tried and who had stopped them from the get go from continuing to try he even found out.... also via Chibs.... what Potter was going to promise Juice if they would have been braver and succeeded in getting him to sink as low as they wanted him to and since it wasn't Juice who ratted Jax goes straight to the source of all his RICO problems and has her do what he would have made Juice do and get the information Frankie said Clay had which he had learned about via one of the many men who wanted to be the one who killed Frankie.... Juice who got stuck playing Clay's gofer boy when they went to go find Frankie but being the "good boy" Juice is Juice made sure that at least Chibs knew what he had learned as soon as he was away from Clay.... with time getting closer to Czarina giving birth she was busy preparing for their arrival setting up the room Marcus chose for their nursery leaving the cribs for Marcus to do so he could feel like he helped.... he's still thinking of names for them.... "well look at you!"  Romeo says as she gently rubs Czarina's stomach "you're lucky I like you or I'd chop your hand off and I think you need it!"  she jokes he chuckles "I need a little help with a few things and Marcus and Esai are off doing club stuff I wouldn't normally ask for help with something so small but in my current condition...."  she explains "I am at your service my queen!"  he replies with a small bow she lets him in with a smile and Romero Parada becomes a Jack of all trades from plumber to electrician for a very pregnant woman until he gets a call from Clay and has to head back to business as usual mode "thank you!"  Czarina says giving the Mexican a hug "you're very welcome, I actually had fun!"  Romeo replies she chuckles then watches him walk out of her house and over to his Hummer then drive away with a wave he didn't lie he found it nice to actually do things around the house and play "hubby" for a bit.... no they didn't do anything together I mean the fact that he did what some husbands usually do and fixed things for her and helped her set up the nursery so that nothing went wrong when it was actually in use.... he actually started to wonder if she did it on purpose but he didn't see Marcus anywhere so probably not or maybe she called him to help make the load Marcus already has piling up on him smaller and that thought made him smile....

 he actually started to wonder if she did it on purpose but he didn't see Marcus anywhere so probably not or maybe she called him to help make the load Marcus already has piling up on him smaller and that thought made him smile

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