You Really Screwed The Pooch This Time Jax🔩🐕

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While Marcus and Esai were checking on Izella at the shop Czarina was watching a house full of kids with some assistants from Chu'mana and Chantesuta later that night Czarina gets a call from Nero checking on Chantesuta "yeah she's here sleeping next to her son in the spare room.... is everything ok!?!"  Czarina asks "yeah, yeah fine!"  Nero replies "and here I thought you didn't like liars Mr. Padilla!"  she says playfully he chuckles "if you can find the time I got a houseful of kids who can brighten any dark room! why don't you come by and see them?! or I'm sure Amaranta can work something out so you could see your son.... he's staying with her you know?!"  she tells him he sounds surprised when he asks "when did....!?!"  she replies "when the problems with the Chinese started so.... the day after the "Homecoming party".."  he lets out a short breathy chuckle and says "yeah that was a little too convenient wasn't it!?!"  he pauses then asks "who's is she!?!"  she replies "Quinn's"  he says "I should thank him too!"  she chuckles then asks with a concerned tone "you sure you're ok!?!"  he replies "yeah momma I'm fine!"  she flinches cause she knows that's what he calls Gemma "sorry old habit"  he says she chuckles then replies "it's alright the offer to be bombarded by the ones who are still awake stands!"  he chuckles then says "I'll think about it"  she replies "good night Neron"  he chuckles then says "good night Cza"  and they hang up not even two seconds after she hangs up with Nero Izella, Esai and Marcus walk in Zarouhi rushes over and hugs her parents hips "I want you to call your doctor first thing in the morning!"  Czarina orders as she looks Izella in the eyes Izella chuckles softly "as Marcus would say "a mother knows".."  Czarina adds Esai looks at his mother in law then his wife with a surprised expression on his face Izella also looks surprised then she nods with a smile "now go to bed!"  Czarina orders Izella laughs then takes her husband and daughters hands in hers and heads to Esai's old room to sleep the first thing Marcus noticed was the worried look in his wife's eyes and he went from smiling to concerned in a instant then asks "what happened!?!"  she replies "a Chinese slaughter at Diosa"  he walks over to her and hugs her and she sinks into his embrace as though it was the only thing holding her up as she says "the weird thing is.... I can't blame you this time!"  he chuckles knowing full well what she meant then hugs her a little tighter "we still got Chu'mana and Chu'si waitin on Happy, which I'm betting isn't going to happen tonight so I'm gonna try and force them to go to bed then I'll join you in ours"  she tells him softly he chuckles then kisses her lips and says softly "I can't wait!"  she smiles and replies "I know you can't!"  he chuckles then kisses her lips once more before letting her go and heading towards their bedroom to get ready for bed Czarina calls up Amaranta letting her know what happened and that she may have a new visitor in awhile she gives her Nero's number so that the two who may have yet to meet one another could make plans for Nero to see his son whenever he wished.... she became a at home nurse/doctor once she worked it out so that Lucius could stay with her and her family.... then Czarina hangs up after saying goodnight hearing what happened at Diosa and Scoops Amaranta knew the club was going to be in lockdown which meant she didn't fully expect to see her husband at all that night so she called him up to say goodnight at first Quinn was confused then he realized that she must have gotten a call from another member of the "redheaded army" and it all became clear as to how she knew everything that was going on and it made him smile he talked with his wife for a few minutes and said goodnight to his kids then went back to work missing them yet again but at least he knew they weren't so far away this time and that the lockdown hopefully was only going to be a couple of days and that they could drive to Red Woody whenever they got a chance so they could visit him and he could see them in person which gave him hope that it would happen.... much to his own surprise Nero ends up spending the night after the whole ordeal.... he was pretty busy that morning.... at Amaranta's in a bed that was pushed as close to the bed his son had already fallen asleep in as it could be without disturbing the young man and that alone made him smile he kisses his sons forehead before laying down and falling asleep himself as restless as his rest was it was also slightly peaceful thanks to the woman he had just met a few moments before falling asleep which he thanked profusely for what she was doing for him and his son and he got one of the most gorgeous smiles he has ever seen in his life as a answer which just about made him faint from the sight of it but he was with Gemma and she was married to Quinn so it would never work out for either of them....

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