You've Got To Be Kidding Me!!!!🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏽‍♂️

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Czarina gets a call from Chantesuta who ended up in the hospital after the Reaper clubhouse blew up "I'm calling Che!"  Czarina says "don't....!"  Chantesuta starts "are you fuckin kidding me!?! he's your brother and he has the right to know!"  Czarina scolds Marcus who seems to always walk in the room at the "right moment" sees the anger in his wife's eyes "he'll come and if Obi gives him a hard time then the old boy can deal with me!"  Czarina says Chantesuta chuckles "you rest Marcus and I will see you in a few minutes"  Czarina says "alright MA!"  Chantesuta jokingly replies "you're lucky I'm getting used to that!"  Czarina teases Chantesuta laughs then the two women hang up "what's going on!?!"  Marcus asks "the Crows problems with the Irish made Chantesuta lose her child which she apparently found out she was going to have when she got to the hospital.... man Juice must be....!"  Czarina replies whispering her last four words Marcus' eyes widen in shock then he says "I'll call Taza you get the kids ready to go"  she nods then kisses her husbands lips and goes to do as ordered.... as Czarina drives to St Thomas Marcus was phone with Taza and Bishop listening to Czarina explain what had happened at Teller-Morrow Czarina could practically feel the heat of Taza's anger through the phone "she wanted to be with her husband who's been doing club shit all day!.... no one knew the Irish would be that stupid till it was too late!"  Czarina says "and before you think I said that because of the entire Reaper household I only said it so that when you come.... and you will come you hear me Obi!?! he's coming! or I'll come down there and give you a white woman lesson you'll never forget!"  Czarina adds after a short pause and she hears the two men on the other side of the phone and her husband laugh as she continues "I'm looking out for her husband not the crew! I don't want you kicking the wrong mans ass!"  Marcus smiles as he slides his hand over her thigh and gives it a light squeeze "she's at St Thomas and we'll let you know which room when we find out ourselves Chu'mana and Chu'si were at home but they're probably at the hospital by now with her"   she says "ok Czar"  Taza replies though his voice was muffled since he wasn't on speaker there was a hint of relief in his tone when he heard that his other sister and his niece were unharmed "see you in the morning Che"  Czarina says "see you Czar"  Taza replies with laughter in his tone then Marcus hangs up.... "we could always try again!"  Czarina hears Chantesuta say softly to Juice as she walks into the room "yeah I know it's just....!"  Juice replies "I know Juan, I know!"  Chantesuta says "what happened wasn't your fault J focus on what you have not what you lost for she needs you here not in your head!"  Czarina says as she walks into the room Juice walks over and hugs her to him then starts to cry "where are....!?!"  Chantesuta asks "in the waiting room with Marcus, Happy, Iz, Esai, Zar and Chu Chu"  Czarina replies Juice chuckles into her chest when she says "Chu Chu" "and before you even think it we didn't want to overcrowd your room one of us will bring them in after they see their godsisters!"  Czarina adds looking Chantesuta in the eyes Chantesuta chuckles "Che should be here by midmorning yes he's coming! his Prez is smart enough to be afraid of the rest of the Redheaded Army and he hasn't met all of us yet!"  Czarina jokes Chantesuta laughs Juice looks at them curiously then joins in on the laughter that is flowing from his wife's luscious lips Czarina visits for awhile then Marcus walks in with their children getting a kiss from his wife as they pass one another in the doorway....

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