Taking Care Of Business👔💼

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After Czarina gets a call from one of Marcus' men letting her know what had happened to the crew when they were taking Zobelle to "safety" she calls up Happy and asks "you willing to work together with a few Mayans?!"  Happy asks curiously "why!?!...

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After Czarina gets a call from one of Marcus' men letting her know what had happened to the crew when they were taking Zobelle to "safety" she calls up Happy and asks "you willing to work together with a few Mayans?!"  Happy asks curiously "why!?!"  she replies "there's a rat that needs to be fed some poisonous cheese!"  he chuckles then says with a low growl in his tone that shows just how willing he'd be to work with the "enemy" for this particular job "I'm on my way!".... a few minutes later Happy meets up with Esai, Jesse, Czarina, Izella and the pups who were sitting in their side cars that were attached to Jesse and Esai's Harley's waiting patiently for the excitement they knew was about to happen Happy looks at his sister oddly then hears Czarina say "Zar's with Charlie Horse she's being well taken care of and probably being told lots of stories!"  Happy smiles then he walks over and gives the redheads a hug then gets back on his Harley and they all ride off to find Zobelle once they do find the one Clay calls "King Whitey" they surround the terrified looking man and the Mayan's, the Cobra and the pups beat/tear apart the suited king till he's no longer moving the women on the other hand stand by the Harley's and "supervise" for the men wouldn't allow them to become a part of it.... how did they find him so quickly you ask Czarina called up Juice and asked for a "favor" and he surprisingly willingly gave her the information after all she does let the "enemy" hang out with her brothers pups.... remember the man's Puerto Rican so he is among those she as a woman born into a white supremacist family is supposed to not only hate but believe she's better than.... Esai was allowed by all the men to take the final blow but before he did Czarina who had noticed Zobelle stare at her and Izella like they were going to come and save him had a few words to say as she walks over to the group who step away from the now bleeding broken white boy in a suit "keep your eyes focused on those who are about to kill you not those who don't care whether you live or die after all they are here by OUR order!.... you not only disrespected our family but tried to destroy it you made my husband do things he HATED! treated him like he is lower than you when in truth he is HIGHER than you! he is a KING you are just a jester! he is strong you're weak! he is brave you're a coward! a rat and NOBODY likes a rat ESPECIALLY not these men! you just about killed a member of our family trying to save your own worthless skin you deserve everything given to you and more so enjoy the kindness you believe you see in us women for even though it doesn't exist it will be the last you'll ever receive!"  then she walks back over and stands by her daughter in laws side and watches as the men continue their beat down listening to the cowards screams without flinching or showing any sort of emotion at all on their (Izella and Czarina) faces.... "there is one good thing about your white friend"  Marcus hears his wife say as she walks up their driveway over to where he stands on their front porch and he looks at her curiously "he makes a pretty damn fine cigar!.... or maybe that's just you!"  she adds once she reaches him he chuckles then feels her kiss his lips "yep!.... definitely you!"  she whispers with a sensual tone he chuckles as her lips meet his again and she deepens the soft caress they had given him before she could smell the light scent of cigar smoke linger on his body usually she didn't like that particular scent but there was something about him that made it so intoxicating and just imagining how he looked with one in his mouth sent an aroused quiver through her body Marcus feels her hand slide down his chest as she whispers into his ear with alluring softness "I love that you wear buttoned shirts it makes this so much easier!"  he feels her fingers slowly undo each and every button as they slide over them and he becomes impatient as he waits to be able to feel her skin on his completely the only reason he didn't didn't try to quicken her movements was because he was enjoying the sensuality that came with them the feeling of her lips lightly kissing his then slowly moving down his neck then his chest where they caress every inch as it became bare she continues to move down to his large hard cock that had sprung free from the confines of his pants and boxers as soon as she unbuckled, unzipped and removed them letting them fall to the floor to join his shirt and she licks, nibbles and sucks on his cock moving her hand up and down the back end of it making him moan as his hand slides through and grabs her hair gently within a few thrusts she had him all the way down her throat allowing her jaw to relax before she continued to suck giving him unmeasurable pleasure that he has never received from her before he didn't want to ruin the moment but being the idiot that he is he asks "what have you done?!"  she stops sucking and removes her mouth from his cock making him groan at his own stupidity as she replies with a teasing coo looking up at him from her position on her knees before him looking sexy as ever "I have no idea what you mean!"  he chuckles then says "then what did you have my men do?!"  she replies as she stands back up "nothing the rat didn't deserve!"  he looks at her confused and asks "rat!?!"  his eyes widen in realization "Zobelle's a rat!?!"  he asks with a shocked tone she nods and says "according to Juice Zobelle's been an FBI informant for three years.... no wonder he thought he was untouchable"  he asks "who went?!"  she replies "Jesse, Esai, Aušrinė, Nyx and Happy Iz and I supervised"  he chuckles as she continues "I'm not sure if you would be proud of him but Happy sure was! and if Happy was proud of him then that HAS to mean something!.... it did to E I can tell you that!.... the fact that someone who is meant to be an enemy and became family is proud of an action HE took part of!"  he smiles with a chuckle she looks at him sadly and says "this is the life he knows and having you be proud of him means more than almost anything in the world!.... it was his world before he met Iz and had Zar and now it's only half of what it once was but he'll always want you to be proud of him!"  he chuckles "the idiot had a lot to pay for and he did that in tenfold! I figured Happy can be the SAMCRO percent of that payment as small as that payment is at least with Happy it'll have a big impact!"  she says he laughs his laughter dies down when she walks around him and heads inside he knew she hated that part of this life and now that she made herself a big part of it by giving the order he turns, puts his boxers back on and walks inside then heads to the weight room where he does as she once did for him and spotted for her as she punched the living daylights out of his punching bag only stopping her when he feared she would break her hand once he removed her from her spot in front of the large red bag he held her close and they stood there in silence for a good long minute and that's when he realized she was more worried about how he would react as well as think of her own actions if she felt bad about them she was sure he would too and he had enough worries on his shrinking plate that wasn't just full but overflowing with shit and he held her a little tighter and kissed the top of her head not sure what to say this time to make her feel better after all a good king and queen share the pain of the world around them and the people within and when one is hurt they both are hurt and she was practically sinking in the darkness she brought into her own life for she was the one who wanted to make the rat pay just like she wanted to be the one who kills her father but she allowed the men to do it for her for it was their way of protecting her from further damage what was worse for her was she believed Marcus believed that she had only gave him head because she had made such an order but she just really wanted to taste him, love him without having him enter her.... sure there were other ways to show someone how much you love them but that was the way she wanted to do it the deep arousal she felt from the mere scent of him sent her spiraling and she figured tasting him was better than being filled by him at this particular moment for that was the usual "go to" for too many people....

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