👁️👁️Look Who's Causin' Trouble Now👀

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Even though she does her best to stay as far away from the Nords as possible Czarina stood at Marcus' side holding his hand during the funeral of men she barely knew after the Sons of Anarchy got their retaliation for torching their warehouse by t...

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Even though she does her best to stay as far away from the Nords as possible Czarina stood at Marcus' side holding his hand during the funeral of men she barely knew after the Sons of Anarchy got their retaliation for torching their warehouse by torching one of his and killing the men who guarded it Czarina's high hopes of never seeing a Nord ever again crashed and burned till they were nothing but dust and ash when Marcus takes her to his Meet with Ernest Darby and Marcus learns some shocking news on that very day.... Czarina sits sideways on Marcus' lap playing with the buttons on his dark grey button-up shirt in a very sensuously playful manner eating the small bites he feeds her with a smile on his face Marcus looks at Czarina oddly when he feels her shiver in disgust as Darby walks up to the picnic table they were sitting at not knowing how he could comfort her Marcus places his tamale down in the box it came in which sits on the table top then slides his hand up her cheek making her look up at him from the button she seemed a little too focused on now and his lips meet hers in a gentle caress Czarina jumps slightly when she hears Darby softly grunt as he sits down on the bench at the other side of the table "here Darby I got you a tamale"  Marcus says as he slides the box full of tamale's over to the balding white man who slides them back and says "I'm more interested in the dame on your lap"  Czarina turns her body so that she was now facing him without leaving her husbands lap and says with a slightly harsh sarcastic bite "dame!?! really Ernest!?! I see your powers of observation haven't changed one bit.... they still suck!.... I'm his wife not some god damn toy!"  Darby's eyes widen in shock when he sees the woman he's been infatuated with since he was a teenager stare at him with a dark disgusted expression on her face that was full of hate his eyes wander down her vivaciously sexy body and he sees Marcus' signature tattooed around the upper curve of her left breast and he says while pointing at it "that tattoo you have there says differently!"  she replies "it's his NAME! isn't that what most "normal" people do when they start dating someone they believe they are going to be with for the rest of their lives?! just because I "stole" a paper he had signed then had someone I TRUST tattoo it on me doesn't make me his property!.... he is not YOU! nor will he EVER be you! and I think whatever gods I'm supposed to worship for that! I've hated you from the moment I've met you and just because my parents thought it would be "smart" to arrange something that I knew was NEVER going to happen doesn't mean....!"  she stops as her voice becomes heated and Marcus stares at her in shock as she says with a softer calmer tone "I'm going to go wander while you two talk shop"  she kisses Marcus' lips softly and looks at him sadly knowing full well she had a lot of explaining to do after she lets her husbands lips go she turns her attention back to Darby and says "be grateful Tul isn't here for he would kill you just for having the thoughts that are rolling through your air filled brain right now and the pups would help for they hate you as much as I do!"  then she slides off Marcus' lap and walks over to the Mayans who wait for the Meet to end for she never has and will never will feel safe around Ernest Darby "god I gotta work on my insults!"  she mutters softly to herself as she walks away a small smile slides up the corner of Marcus.... who was the only one who heard her.... lips.... normally Czarina would call Tully whenever she saw Darby and let him know what transpired between the two (Czarina and Darby) of them.... luckily for her it was a rare occurrence so those calls rarely ever happened.... but she didn't want Marcus to lose what she had helped him gain when they first started to be something she considered special she had actually got the tattoo of Marcus' name done AFTER they had gotten married and it was done so finely that if you didn't really LOOK at it you wouldn't see it there were two reasons she did it one was so that people knew who she was married to and two was to see who looked at her and who searched her as Darby had just done with a hunger no man but Marcus Alvarez should ever have especially in such a deep sexual way.... "I'm sorry I probably should have told you....!"   Czarina starts to say to Marcus when he walks back over to his Harley that she just happened to be leaning on she doesn't get to finish for he gently presses his body up against hers as he slides his hand up her cheek and through her hair as he kisses her lips there was so much power in that small sensual embrace that she almost fell backwards off and over his bike she chuckles softly when she feels her body move backwards and he smiles then lets her lips go he leans back just a little so that he could get a good look at the tattoo he had no idea she had until Darby had pointed it out his hips stay connected to hers as he traces his own name that was written in his exact penmanship and whispers softly with a surprised tone as he stares at his finger that is now making her body quiver in the best way just by touching her soft silky skin "I had no idea you did this!"  she replies with a soft small smile "I had it done after the warehouse job and only just started to show it off!...."  she pauses then asks in a soft sultry voice filled with curiosity and perhaps a hint of hope "you like it!?!"  he smiles then kisses her lips again which gives her her answer....

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