Hello Papi🙋🏻‍♀️👋🏻🙋🏻‍♂️👨‍👧‍👦

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Marcus stared down at the paper in his hand with a smile on his face while he waited for Clay to walk into the meeting room that the Reapers call Church he folds it up and puts it in his kutte's inner pocket as soon as he hears the Reaper Prez walk into the room then sits in the "kings throne" as they talk business.... when Marcus and Pedro walk outside they see Rafi and Czarina chatting and laughing together and it made Marcus smile to see the two people who became instant friends from the moment they met laugh and smile together when Czarina sees her husband walk over to her and Rafi with a smile on her face she says "I'm taking you to see your doctor I'm sure Tara's good at her job but I'd rather have someone I trust check my work!"  Marcus smiles then nods knowing full well what her true plan was and honestly he hoped she could talk them into it for he needed something good to happen and seeing his unborn child even if he or she is just a grey blob on a computer screen he'd still be happy to see it or even hear his or her heartbeat which he knew from when Esai was born is a wonderful experience "the guys'll have to drive you cause I rode your Harley"  she tells him pointing over to a very familiar bike he chuckles and nods then kisses her lips before walking over to the truck and climbing in Rafi and Pedro follow him, climb into the truck then follow her out and as per usual Czarina was able to talk the devil into a dance.... I mean her OBGYN into moving the ultrasound to that very moment and Marcus was surprised to find that they were having twins which were according to the doctor a boy and a girl it was like the gods were trying to make up for all the years he went without that small dream becoming a reality he just wondered how he couldn't have known that his wife had conceived at all four months pregnant and he had no clue then again neither did she but she may have thought that it might have been stress.... "so!.... I'm about to add to that long list of shit for you to do and ask you to think of names for OUR little ones who will be arriving in five months"  Czarina says to Marcus as they walk out of the hospital Marcus chuckles with a smile then says as he wraps his arm around her waist "I think I can manage that!"  then he kisses her lips and his smile grows at the thought of them having children of their own together and they continue on their way to the truck where Rafi and Pedro wait to take Marcus back home but before they go there Marcus tells them to stop at the Mayan clubhouse so he can tell the family their news which everyone was excited to hear about the only worry Czarina had was the fact that she knew the "mutts" as she calls them will be a little too overprotective of her now and she's going to hate every single moment of it.... when Juice came home with his new patch to see his woman before heading up to the warehouse he was told that Czarina was pregnant with twins which was the best news he's heard in a long time "there's one more thing...."  Chantesuta tells him softly he looks at her quizzically "I talked to Charlie Horse and if you want we can make what I told Eli happened a reality.... I'm not pregnant yet but....!"  she says she doesn't get to finish for he rushes over to her and his lips make themselves at home on hers then he whispers breathlessly once he lets them go "yes!"  she smiles then says "go to work, buy the rings when you can and Juan.... it's going to be just family NO CLUB!.... unless they are family like my brother, Marcus, Esai and Happy"  he nods with a smile then kisses her again before heading out the door to do what she told him to do.... Happy had learned the news of Czarina's pregnancy via phone call from his sister and instead of calling Czarina to congratulate her he called Marcus to congratulate him when Marcus saw who was calling he looked at his phone oddly then smiles as he answers it for he figured his daughter in law must have given her brother the news and he was right....

 Happy had learned the news of Czarina's pregnancy via phone call from his sister and instead of calling Czarina to congratulate her he called Marcus to congratulate him when Marcus saw who was calling he looked at his phone oddly then smiles as h...

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