Pleasure Before Business,👨🏽‍💼💼Business Before Pleasure

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Both Happy and Juice needed the love of their women when they got home after the wedding and that is what they got Juice couldn't believe how amazing the feeling was making love to Chantesuta it was one of the greatest most sensual feelings he has...

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Both Happy and Juice needed the love of their women when they got home after the wedding and that is what they got Juice couldn't believe how amazing the feeling was making love to Chantesuta it was one of the greatest most sensual feelings he has ever felt one of the best sounds he's ever heard in the world was her moaning then screaming his name during the experience and he swore to himself that he would never be with another Sweet Butt or Crow Eater ever again for all he wanted was the woman who now lays below him as he thrusts into her moaning his name ever so sweetly who smiles up at him when she sees him staring then chuckles softly when she feels his cock throb at the sight he smiles then lowers his head and kisses her lips making her moan once more.... "hello Romero"  Czarina says when she opens the door to find a familiar long haired Mexican standing on the other side her eyes wander up and down his shadow in a "who the fuck are you and why should I let you in my home!?!" "I'm not sure I trust you!" sort of way seeing her look Romeo tells her "this is my partner Luis Torres he's good people!"  she nods then lets them in "Marcus is in the dining room"  she tells Romeo who nods then kisses her cheek before walking past her into the dining room she smiles and shakes her head at his departing figure then walks back towards the living room where her stepson, stepdaughter in law and grandchild are Luis was shocked that Romeo allowed some one to call him by his full name for everyone he knew calls him Romeo.... "I'd love to see her handle a gun!"  Czarina hears Romeo say when he along with Marcus and Luis walk into the living room she stands up walks over to her husband and tells Romeo as she grips Marcus' upper arm and gently squeezes it as though she was checking out his muscles "I do everyday!"   Marcus and Romeo chuckle "Romero you remember Izella and this is Zarouhi you already know Esai"  she says introducing her one time met friend who chuckles as he walks over to shake their hands "and we don't talk business in front of family so if you're going to stay then behave yourself!"  she warns Romeo look at her and nods then says "yes momma!"   Marcus smiles as the memory of TO doing the same thing flows through his head Romeo was surprised Zar walked over to him and instantly started to braid his hair making him chuckle "yeah she does that, says it's good practice!"  Czarina tells him he laughs then replies with a smile "I don't mind"  Romeo sat perfectly still allowing the young girl to braid his hair then the two of them started playing together games that a child her age would enjoy with the stoic looking Luis "supervising" until they had to leave for the meet with Clay and Jax.... "bringing Clay into this is going to cause more problems than it will solve!"  Czarina tells Marcus as she sits across from him at the dining room table a few minutes before Romeo and Luis entered their home "I know mi reina but there's not much else I can do I NEED to keep this relationship whole for as long as possible!"  Marcus replies taking her hand in his "I'm just saying it's like opening an old scab and watching it bleed worse than it did the first time around"  she says he smiles "I'm going to go visit with the family it isn't right that we invite them over and don't spend any time with them"  she tells him he chuckles with a smile as he leans forward and kisses her lips then watches as she stands up and walks away from him and his smile drops for he had a feeling she was right.... as she always is he just hopes he can prepare for the shit storm that's about to head their way without too many casualties.... after Esai and his half of the family left Czarina had a meeting with the twins warning them of what was to come.... Marcus promised to keep an eye on Chu'si for as Czarina told Romeo "they don't talk business in front of family" and that mainly meant the children.... "I'm not all that worried about Cobra there's not much that man can't handle but Juice.... he's not as strong as Cobra and he tends to wear his emotions on his sleeves not to mention his color blind father I can't have Romero protecting him and I won't allow Marcus to for Romero wouldn't be able to and it puts Marcus in danger as well, you do what you will Cha but....!"  Czarina tells them Chantesuta nods "oh and ADA Lincoln Potter is in town which can only mean one thing!"  she adds "RICO!"  Chantesuta whispers with a worried tone Czarina nods "shit!!"  Chantesuta whispers the conversation stops altogether when they hear Marcus walk into the room and say "sorry momma but I believe the little one is hungry"  Chu'mana smiles at him then says as she stands up and walks over to where his stands "it's alright Marcus thank you!"  she takes her daughter from him gently then goes into the other room to feed her Marcus' eyes meet his wife's and a small smirk slides up the corner of his lips she smiles shaking her head at him then stands up walks over to him and kisses his lips then takes his hand and leads him to the couch where they sit down and start a conversation with Chantesuta that has nothing to do with business so that the worries that now flow through her head will disappear for a while....

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