Czarina Meets Marcus' Crew🏍️And The Alvarez Men Meet Happy's Sister👩🏻‍🦰

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Happy's little sister (who is closer to Esai's age) name meaning and origin as well as her nicknames (she's also another redheaded model 😉😄)

Izella means: princess, a devoted woman origin: English-American nicknames Iz, Zella and Ella

**** just so you know even though the actor who plays Esai (Kevin Michael Alejandro) was born on April 7, 1976 (according to Wikipedia) I'm making him (Esai) somewhere in his early 20's - 30's Izella will also be close to those ages as well **** D...

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**** just so you know even though the actor who plays Esai (Kevin Michael Alejandro) was born on April 7, 1976 (according to Wikipedia) I'm making him (Esai) somewhere in his early 20's - 30's Izella will also be close to those ages as well **** David M. Labrava (who plays Happy Lowman) was born October 19, 1962 according to Wikipedia

 Labrava (who plays Happy Lowman) was born October 19, 1962 according to Wikipedia

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A few days later after Czarina's tattoo was healed enough so that it wouldn't become ruined during the ride back home the Alvarez men, the pups and Czarina head back to Oakland when Marcus dropped Czarina and the pups at home he was shocked to see...

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A few days later after Czarina's tattoo was healed enough so that it wouldn't become ruined during the ride back home the Alvarez men, the pups and Czarina head back to Oakland when Marcus dropped Czarina and the pups at home he was shocked to see a shirtless Happy Lowman walking out her front door wiping his hands on a rag he (Marcus) watched as the pups ran over to the heavily tattooed man with their tails wagging happily and a smiling Czarina climb off his Harley and walk over to that very same man who was giving the pups some love Happy stands when he sees Czarina stand before him then feels her caress a scar under his eye as she teases "alright who do I have to kill!?!.... don't tell me my sink did that!"  Happy chuckles then watches as a very pissed off Marcus Alvarez rushes over to them looking like he was ready to kill him seeing Happy stare over her shoulder she turns and sees the anger in Marcus' eyes and assures softly "it's okay Marcus! Happy was just fixing my kitchen sink and it looks like I may have to melt a wrench or a pipe for harming my friend in the process!"  Marcus calms down slightly and chuckles then says "I could have done it mi reina"  she replies teasingly with a "parish the thought" tone "and leave me alone in Santo Padre surrounded by horny mutts clad in leather!.... I think not!"  Marcus chuckles "though I do believe Happy may be slightly upset we took his buddies with us!"  she teasingly adds Marcus chuckles Happy smiles at the two of them he shouldn't be surprised that she would choose a man like Marcus as a matter of fact he was happy that she did for he knew that he would and could protect her he also knew she didn't need it but he was grateful to know that the Mexican man before him would he was even sure he would KILL for her if necessary "if you're done you can take the pups for a bit if you like I can tell they missed you Marcus may even be kind enough to let you borrow the side cars.... consider it his apology for wanting to rip your face off!"  she says to Happy who chuckles Marcus smiles then nods and the two men work together to remove the side cars from one Harley and put them on the other seeing the humans do that the pups get excited then look at Czarina expectantly she nods her head in Happy's direction just as he lets out a low piercing whistle and the pups rush over then hop into the side cars "they hate it as you can tell!"  she teases looking at Happy "you should get one then"  Happy replies "why get one of my own when I can ride with him!?!"  she asks playfully nodding her head in Marcus' direction Happy chuckles then jogs over to her and kisses her temple then looks at Marcus who to his surprise was smiling even after she slaps his (Happy) ass as she teases "go! you know how impatient they are!"  Happy chuckles and gives her a light hug then jogs over to his Harley climbs on then leaves "I'm going to take a shower.... you're welcome to join me!"  she coos alluringly looking into Marcus' eyes with a seductive gaze after Happy was nothing but a dot in the horizon Marcus smiles then jogs over to her as she jogs into the house turning it into a chase he catches her as she turns on and tests the water wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck she turns and kisses his lips then they strip one another of their clothes and climb into the shower making love to one another as they clean each others bodies.... the next day Marcus takes Czarina to the Oakland Charter to meet his crew who seemed to have taken the attitude the Santo Padre crew had when they first met her to new heights Marcus had left Czarina alone with a few of his crew members so he and those at his table could have their meeting and when he came back he watched Czarina knee one of the guys in the groin then punch him in the face as hard as she could which from what everyone could see was pretty hard "I would have thought you taught your mutts better manners mi alma!"  Czarina calls out everyone who was in the room with her turns and sees a angry looking Marcus who knew quite well what his "mutt" tried to do but will never do again for he could still see the pain in the boys eyes that once shined with infatuation Marcus walks over to Czarina and kisses her lips she wraps her arms around his waist and whispers "and now you know how I met Happy!"  he looks at her oddly "he trained me in self defense for a few years at Lumpy's gym starting back when I was 20.... I've actually never been to his club though I'm sure they'd be worse off than that one if I had!.... Happy's quite protective of me.... in a sisterly way even though he already has one of those!"  she tells him he chuckles she smiles then kisses his lips he wraps his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him locking their hips together as he deepens the sensually passionate kiss that had everyone in the room staring at them in shock.... well all except for Esai who has a smile on his face....

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