Talkin Smack👄🤚🏻

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Once Lincoln Potter found out couldn't use Juice he heard through the grapevine that there was an unnamed undercover boy within one of the SoA charters and he planned on finding out who it was and using him much to his surprise he found out that i...

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Once Lincoln Potter found out couldn't use Juice he heard through the grapevine that there was an unnamed undercover boy within one of the SoA charters and he planned on finding out who it was and using him much to his surprise he found out that is was actually a woman who is a Crow Eater who's "very persuasive" and could "get any man to do anything for her" and he decided to test out that theory.... "I think we need to make a day just you me and the family!"  Czarina coos softly with an alluring tone as she slides her hand up and down Marcus' chest in a tantalizing way and his body quivers at her soft touch "yeah!?!"  Marcus asks with a smirk "Mm-hmm!"  she hums in reply then kisses his lips "I think you're right!"  he says as he lifts her up by the hip she chuckles softly as her feet leave the floor and he carries her to his Harley setting her down on it before climbing on and driving to their sons place even though he wasn't wearing his kutte at that particular moment he always keeps a spare in his saddlebag just in case he gets called into the club for some reason he hoped against all hope that he didn't get called in today for he wanted what she wanted him to have a day with his family and no club business to worry about they take their son, daughter in law and granddaughter to the park, out to dinner little things that everyone sees families do together that they rarely get to do but Czarina tries her best to make sure they get to do on occasion and Marcus loved every second of it Marcus didn't know that Czarina had shut off his phone until he went to check it at the end of their adventure with their family and he chuckles softly when he finds out "I love how you're always thinking about me!"  Marcus coos with a smile as he looks into his wife's eyes adoringly "it wouldn't have worked anyway they have numbers of at least three other Alvarez's that were on the little excursion with you and I always make sure they know when you're with family even if I don't tell them where we're going"  she replies he chuckles then kisses her lips and that starts a new adventure one with tongues, lips, fingers a cock and a bud with bodies up against the wall hands and lips roaming every inch of those bodies "Marcus!"  Czarina moans softly as he thrusts into her his lips on her neck his hands over her breasts "mi reina!"  he whispers softly "Czarina!"  he moans as her hips buck into his telling him to go faster and harder and he listens one of his hands slides up her chest around her neck over the back of her head he grips her hair lightly and pulls gently as he does so "oh God Marcus! mi rey! me amor!"  she moans as his grip on her tightens and he growls softly into her ear as his cock throbs at the sound of her moans.... Marcus was glad that his good day happened before his bad one for the next day when he went to go check on the product the Mayans and SAMCRO were supposed to be protecting he found that there was a key missing now what he needed was his wife he calls her up on his way out of the warehouse and hears her say "I was just about to go visit Chu at work why don't you meet me there?! I'll even wear red for you if you want whether or not it'll be a dress has yet to be determined!"  he smiles knowing full well where her friend works and says softly "I'd like that!"  then he hangs up and lets Rafi know where he was going before heading in the opposite direction than his fellow Mayan was.... the smile Marcus once had when he spoke to his wife on the phone at the warehouse grows when he sees his wife and Chu'mana's daughter standing outside the Mexican restaurant he had met the second love of his life on a blind date a little over three years ago both wearing red and he realizes why she was headed to see Chu'mana so that the other redhead could see her daughter and that thought makes his smile grow Marcus walks over to his wife and kisses her lips he smiles when he feels Chu'si grip his chin then looks down at the young one and kisses her forehead "this should be interesting!"  he hears Czarina whisper and he looks at her oddly "I bet you can't guess what we look like right now!"  she tells him and he smiles as he begins to understand the thought that was flowing through her head "lets just hope her real momma doesn't want to kill us when she figures it out!"  she says he chuckles then wraps his arm around his wife's waist and they walk inside and sit at one of Chu'mana's tables so that she could interact with her daughter without getting into trouble Chu'mana chuckles as she listens to the restaurant customers coo at Marcus and Czarina thinking that they were her daughters parents Czarina sees her friend shake her head and she playfully sighs in relief Marcus looks at her then the other redhead and chuckles with a smile....

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