👑His Beautiful Queen👸🏻

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"Is Happy or Juice in?!"  Czarina asks the Reaper guarding the gate at Teller-Morrow "hey they got my pups and I just came to check on them so if you don't want me going in there you find me either Happy, Jax, Tig, Chibs or Juice otherwise you're ...

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"Is Happy or Juice in?!"  Czarina asks the Reaper guarding the gate at Teller-Morrow "hey they got my pups and I just came to check on them so if you don't want me going in there you find me either Happy, Jax, Tig, Chibs or Juice otherwise you're gonna have a really bad day!"  she tells them as they try their best to stare her down seeing her go from soft and gentle to tough in an instant not just by tone of voice but the way she carried herself and stared right back at them with a darker more dangerous look in her eyes they let her inside.... the Reapers inside the clubhouse hear a really loud piercing whistle that's even louder than Tig can do then see the pups rush out of it with a excited gait Tig chuckles then he, Happy and a curious looking Kozik follow them out.... "hey guys, just coming to see how they're doin"  Czarina says as she looks up at Happy, Tig and some blonde that she's never seen before who was staring at her with a dreamy look in his eyes while she pets the pups "hey Cobra you mind telling your buddy to stop staring at my breasts?!"  she asks Happy looks at the blonde with dangerously dark narrowed eyes as he growls at the blonde who gulps in fear as he stares at the terrifying looking man who could kill him with a stare if he truly wanted to but luckily for the blonde it was only a warning "how'd you get in!?!"  Tig asks with a smile on his face "I showed them the true wrath of a Mexican's wife!"  she jokes making him (Tig) chuckle the blondes eyes widen in surprise and asks Happy with a whispered tone "who the hell does she belong to!?!"  she stares at him and growls "I am not a piece of property so you better start treating me with respect or they'll bite your balls off!"  Aušrinė and Nyx growl at the blonde which terrified him even more "but just because you're so curious I'm Marcus Alvarez's wife"  she tells the blonde who stares at her in shock "he really is an idiot isn't he!?!"  she asks Tig who chuckles then replies "you have no idea!"  she looks at Tig and says "you can keep them for the day but I have to come back and get them tomorrow they get to go see their daddy.... these are my brothers pups not mine I just look after them"  Tig grins and nods "just keep them away from that one unless you want them to go through with my threat!"  she adds he chuckles then says "yes ma'am!"  he hugs her shoulder then she leaves with a wave to Happy, Tig and the pups who bark their goodbye well the pups barked Happy and Tig waved back while the blonde just stared at her not knowing whether to be shocked, scared or well he had no idea what emotion to feel for he kinda felt them all and he asks "who's her brother!?!"  Happy and Tig just laugh then leave him standing there by himself as they along with the pups head back inside they hear the kids cheer then laugh happily as the pups rush back over and begin playing with them once again and they chuckle at the sight.... just so Czarina didn't have to come back to Teller-Morrow Happy dropped Aušrinė and Nyx off at Izella's before he headed off to help the Reapers deal with Weston he called Czarina to let her know what he was doing as he drove to his sisters place....

Marcus has been very distracted as of late his mind keeps going back to his wife and the many different things he's noticed about her in the past few years he chuckles softly as he remembers how nervous and unsure she seemed when it came to holding their granddaughter for the first time but she never let how she felt stop her from trying and of course she was a natural at it for as soon as Esai had placed that small bundle of joy in her arms for the first time she calmed and smiled down at the little one who laid in her arms Marcus' cock had throbbed at the sight he was also surprised that they didn't have any of their own yet for he knew she would make a great mother even Happy had commented that she would be perfect at it Marcus knew that Czarina is taking birth control she swore up and down to him that it had nothing to do with him or the fact that he was the president of the Mayans Oakland charter but that she wasn't ready and then there was the fear of her parents finding out and causing her a new nightmare.... which he would never allow he would do anything to end it as quickly as possible and when Izella and Esai had their child she believed that it would have been odd if they had one themselves so soon afterwards and Marcus was very patient about her being not ready yet.... and all her excuses as to why she wasn't ready.... Marcus watched her as she took care of everyone around her especially the children and forgot about herself he smiles as he thinks of a time he had watched her bring a child from the darkest depths of his own sadness and made him happy once more he had found out that the day she did that the young man and his family had just buried their family pup who had gotten run over by some heartless ass who saw the pup but didn't stop what surprised him was that she had asked one of the wives who made stuffed animals, dolls and other things to make the young man a pup that looked just like the pup he used to have the mother of the child had even brought their pups collar so that the wife could make the stuffed one a collar out of the same material so that the boy would have something other than a picture to remember him by Czarina had also offered to pay for the stuffed animal herself but the wife denied her especially when she found out the reason for her asking for it to be made instead all the wives pitched in and paid for the materials that were used to make the pup Marcus had watched his wife interact with the little boys mother a few days after she had asked the wife of a member of the Mayans to make the pup "I don't want to take you back to your time of sorrow but I have a few favors to ask.... the wives and I are working on something for your son and though I won't tell you what it is I was wondering if you had anything of your pups and perhaps a home movie or recording of him?!"  Czarina asks the mother looks at her oddly and nods "do you think I could have it?!.... at least for a little while I promise I'll give them back!"  Czarina assures softly the mother nods again not knowing what his wife had planned Marcus looks at her in shock from his spot a few paces away from the two women "if you don't see me give them to Pedro his wife's in charge of the "plan".."  Czarina told the mother who chuckles sadly Czarina gently places a comforting hand on the woman's shoulder as she locks eyes with her and says softly "come here!"  the woman walks into her welcoming warm embrace and cries into her chest as she wraps her arms around her and lets her let it all out and Marcus smiles at the sight Czarina looks over at him at that particular moment and she smiles at him a few days later the mother and her son were called to the Mayan Clubhouse where Pedro's wife had the honor of handing the little boy the stuffed pup that happed to be a exact replica of the one he once had and thanks to the bit of collar it wore it smelled just like the pup himself Marcus' eyes widen in surprise when he heard the stuffed pup bark as the boy hugs it tightly to him and the mom had burst into tears at the sound for she now understood why Czarina had asked for the home video which she had gotten back that day as well the woman hugged Czarina tightly to her with a grateful expression on her sorrowfully happy features Marcus was told by Pedro that according to the mother the boy sleeps with the stuffed pup every night just like he had with the actual pup when he was alive seeing his wife do something like that for a family she had never met before was one of the many things that showed him just how good a queen Czarina is she's perfect in every and all ways and he was very proud of her and her actions on that day....

"  Czarina told the mother who chuckles sadly Czarina gently places a comforting hand on the woman's shoulder as she locks eyes with her and says softly "come here!"  the woman walks into her welcoming warm embrace and cries into her chest as she ...

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Marcus went with Czarina when she went to go see her brother and held her gently as Tully told her that her own father killed her mother for "going against him" he just didn't know how the woman who would do anything for that man did such a thing Marcus felt her anger boil in a way he's never felt it heat up before as he held her "I'll go with you"  Marcus says softly Czarina shoots up out of his arms, looks into his eyes and says quickly "NO! I'll take Happy"  she sees the hurt look in his eyes and says softly "if he sees you!.... he's not Tul.... according to our parents I have softened my "poor brother"!"  Tully allows a corner smile grace his features as she continues in a low soft sad tone "if I lose you too I....!"  Marcus' expression softens when he begins to understand why she refused his words she thought of the one thing he didn't she thought about how her father would react if he saw him over if he saw Happy for Happy has a similar skin color to hers if her father saw Marcus walk into any area it wouldn't just be her father he'd have to deal with but an entire army of "superior" white men "I can't lose you! not in that way!"  she whispers softly and Marcus hugs her to him once again and kisses the top of her head she hugs him back for a few second then slowly retracts herself from his embrace once more and gets out her phone then dials the Killa Cobra who answers at the second ring the thing that shocked Marcus the most was that it wasn't a regular call she had Facetimed the man Tully who had realized the same thing just a few seconds before Marcus did walks around the table and stands behind his sister as Happy's face shows up on the screen of her phone "how busy are you this week?!"  Czarina asks Happy who looks at her oddly "there's a cracker that needs to be fed to a parrot and not gently!"  she tells him Tully chuckles Happy goes from smiling to looking confused when he hears the unfamiliar chuckle Czarina grips the collar of her brothers prison shirt and pulls him down then says as his chin hits her shoulder gently "Happy Lowman I'd like you to meet my brother Ron Tully, Ron meet the Killa Cobra who just so happens to be Izella's older brother.... not that anyone could ever tell!"  Happy and Tully laugh "oh and Marcus is here too!"  she says moving her phone so that Happy could see the smiling Mexican who sits beside her "Tul you wanna give the orders this time?!"  she asks her now smirking dangerously brother then she asks her best friend "will you follow it?!"  Happy replies "depends on what it is"  she nods understandingly then hands her phone over to her brother who takes it with him as he heads back to his seat and explains what needed to be done "hell yeah I'll do it!"  Happy says once Tully finishes giving the order "I'll tell you where he's been known to hang but I don't want my sister to have anything to do with it!"  Tully tells him "agreed!"  Happy replies "make sure he's never found!"  Tully says "oh believe me he won't be!"  Czarina says Happy and Tully laugh Happy hangs up once the plan was in place and Tully says as he hands the phone back to his sister "you sure know how to pick 'em!"  she replies with a smile "I know I am good aren't I!?!"  Marcus and Tully laugh Tully nods at Marcus as they look at each other with a hidden understanding and Marcus and Czarina leave.... after she gives her brother a hug holding him for a few seconds longer than normal as she breathes in his familiar musky scent that she misses more than she will ever admit.... "I never meant too....!"  Czarina starts once she and Marcus make it to where he had parked his Harley "I know!"  he replies softly as he slides his hand up her cheek then kisses her lips "I didn't at first but I wasn't thinking just....!"  he says softly once his lips leave hers she chuckles softly "I would do anything for you mi reina!"  he whispers "I know!"  she replies with a smile "I just can't....!"  she adds softly with a sad tone he kisses her again as a way to tell her he knew "I'm proud of you reina thinking of those who don't deserve your compassion as well as those who do!"  he tells her "you're proud of me for sending my best friend to kill my father?!"  she asks he chuckles then replies "you didn't your brother did!"  she laughs "do you want to go dancing?!"  he asks she chuckles then shakes her head and replies with a sad smile "I want to go see our granddaughter"  he says softly "me too!"  his lips meet hers again then they climb onto his Harley and drive to Izella and Esai's house

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