🤴🏻The Godly King👑

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Marcus rides into Teller-Morrow with Czarina sitting behind him on his Harley with her arms wrapped around his waist "what's he doing here!?!"  Clay asks when he sees the Mayan Prez ride into HIS property Tig, Jax, Juice and Chibs look over just a...

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Marcus rides into Teller-Morrow with Czarina sitting behind him on his Harley with her arms wrapped around his waist "what's he doing here!?!"  Clay asks when he sees the Mayan Prez ride into HIS property Tig, Jax, Juice and Chibs look over just as the Mexican and the "crazy beautiful redhead" climb off Marcus' Harley Clay's eyes widen in shock when he sees the white bitch take Marcus' hand in hers "you wanted to know who I am, THIS is who I am! I am the wife of a better king than you will ever be! and I'm betting you're the reason my husband got shot!.... oh don't look at me like that! guys like Laroy are a lot like you and those who were SUPPOSED to raise me! they let the power they have go to their heads and expect loyalty even when they don't give it in return! I hate to tell you Clay but you and your black bitch aren't that scary, ugly yes, scary no!"  Czarina says to Clay with a slightly heated yet calm tone Marcus smiles at his wife with pride in his eyes Clay on the other hand looked pissed but the guys around him looked impressed that a woman would talk to him that way "my name is Czarina Alvarez and I am NOT an enemy ANY of you would want to make! after all I was born a Tully and trained VERY well by a Lowman and I know each and every one of you know who I'm speaking of for he is your "Killa" enforcer and the brother of my daughter in law!"  she says and they all look at her in shock Clay storms over to her and gets in her face as he growls "you don't disrespect me on MY property!"  Czarina stands her ground unaffected by his attitude problem as she give him one back "disrespect!?! you not only disrespected my entire family you LIED to them! it is because of YOU we lost members of our family and you're lucky that I don't make you PAY for each and every life we lost!.... you're welcome by the way and you know what for!"  her eyes meet Tig's who's eyes become sad at the memory of what he almost did the day he somewhat officially met her "so!.... who are the rest of you?! I know his name.... not that I care!.... but the rest of you.... I can even begin to guess!"  she says looking at the others "Chibs"  Chibs introduces himself "Jax"  Jax says "Tig"  Tig says "Tig!?!"  Czarina questions curiously "yeah!"  he says softly rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly "Juice"  Juice says with a smile "Juice!?!.... gosh I'm not sure which is worse the friend of Pooh or fruity liquid deliciousness!"  she says with a teasing tone all the guys but Clay chuckle "we should go I believe we have overstayed our welcome mi rey, it was nice to meet.... most of you!"  she says looking at her husband then the men who surround Clay "you too!"  Juice replies with a smile then the Reapers watch her and Marcus walk away hand in hand then climb onto his Harley and drive away.... "I can't believe you talked me into that!"  Marcus says when he and Czarina get home "you were very brave!.... and now you deserve a reward for your bravery!"  Czarina coos alluringly as she wraps her arms around his shoulders he smiles then he cups her thighs in his hands and lifts her up as their lips meet then he walks inside and makes love to her on their couch.... a few days later when Marcus called Clay asking for guns Clay declined him and told him "you can thank your wife if she had been nicer when she came into my yard I may have said yes!"  doing his best to hold his anger in Marcus closes his phone then punches the wall next to him leaving a large crater where he had punched it hearing an odd noise coming from the next room Czarina walks in and asks her husband with a soft concerned tone "Marcus!?!"  Marcus looks over at her and his whole being instantly calms "everything's all right mi reina"  he tells her she smiles then says "try telling that to the wall!"  he chuckles then walks over to her and whispers as he cups her cheek in his hand "just business"  she asks "Clay being an ass again?!"  he chuckles then nods he kisses her lips then walks out of the room towards his weight room where he gets rid of his anger in a slightly better way then breaking his knuckles by creating more craters in the wall Czarina follows him then says once they reach the room "I thought you might need a spotter"  he smiles then kisses her lips before heading towards his weight bench and lays down upon it then grips the bar that had his set of weights already on it and starts to bench press with his wife standing above him looking down at him with a smile on her face and his cock hardens at the sight but he stays focused on what he was doing until after about 60 presses when he saw that she wasn't above him anymore and felt a light weight connect itself to his hard cock he bends his head so he could see what that weight was and smiles as she leans forward rocking her hips slightly as she does so and kisses his lips he moans then sets the bar back where it belongs before sitting up and deepening the kiss he moves with her as she stands then they move to the next activity which is his punching bag they repeat the same action when she knows he's finished with everything he was doing within his gym she gently takes his hand and leads him out of the gym then they make love to one another as they take a shower together which is how he finds out that she was just as aroused by him as he was/is by her....

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