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At the pancake breakfast at the clubhouse the next morning Happy announces his and Chu'mana's engagement and it gave everyone something else to celebrate

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At the pancake breakfast at the clubhouse the next morning Happy announces his and Chu'mana's engagement and it gave everyone something else to celebrate.... the main thing they were celebrating is Abel's return.... no one judged either one for they knew this life better than anyone and how ANYTHING could happen at any given time "Reina worked it out with Chief Charlie Horse to have the wedding on Wahewa land when we get out"  Happy tells them that did surprise MOST of them.... mainly Tara, Gemma and Clay.... Happy wasn't about to let anything ruin the one good thing that has happened in his life not even Gemma who is someone he'd do anything for who didn't look at all happy with the news that his sisters mother in law had already taken care of HIS wedding.... Czarina goes to visit her brother in prison "I need a favor and this one has nothing to do with the Mayans"  she tells him he chuckles then asks "what's the favor!?!"  she replies "Happy found himself his very own redhead he met Chu while in Ireland he's about to go back into prison for something he helped his club do and with them getting married when he gets out I was wondering of you could work it out so she could visit him since I'm not sure he can have any visitors.... Cha met a fellow Reaper of his that she's just started dating so if you could work something out for her too so they can get to know each other better.... no marriage yet for those two but.... hey at least I haven't got anything for Che.... yet!"  he laughs then asks "what's his name?!"  she replies "Juan Carlos Ortiz though his "brothers" call him Juice and yes he's Puerto Rican but you're doing the favor for her not him so it shouldn't count.... then again she's half Mexican and Native American so maybe it does!"  his laughter grows then he replies "I'll see what I can do"  she replies "thank you!.... is it odd that I feel a little weirder for asking you for this favor than my first?!"  he chuckles then says with a smile "a little but I'm used to it.... I love your compassionate heart"  he slides his hand over the table and places it over hers as he says "don't you ever change!"  she smiles then they go back to catching up on lost time since she only gets to see him once a month unless she fakes an emergency.... about an hour or so later "what is she doing here!?!"  Clay asks with an annoyed tone when he sees Czarina leaning up against her husbands Harley with her daughter in law who just so happened to be Happy's sister who was leaning up against her own husband's Harley and her other redheaded friends who were dating two of his Reapers who were leaning up against their own Harley's on either side of her and Izella chatting with one another "we do have her pups"  Juice tells him with a shrug just then Aušrinė and Nyx come rushing out of the side cars that were hooked to Tig and Juice's Harley's and run towards their "sister" and get their batch of lovin from all four redheads "I need to speak with Cobra and Mista J!"  Czarina demands Clay scoffs as Juice smiles then jogs over to his friend, her daughter in law.... who is also a friend....., his woman and his woman's sister Happy joins him a second or two later "I talked to Tul he's gonna work something out so Cha and Chu can visit you two while in prison this way you can continue to get to know each other even though you won't be completely together as I know the four of you wish you could"  Chu'mana and Chantesuta hug their friend excitedly "I know he'll work it so you can too.... he wants to at least see a picture of his grandniece as "payment" though!.... a short video if possible!"  she tells Izella who nods with a smile Chantesuta grips the collar of Juice's shirt and pulls him down for a kiss and he smiles onto her lips as he answers the kiss Happy leans down and kisses Chu'mana sliding his hand down her sides and over her ass and he gently squeezes it making her smile as his lips meet hers in a sensually deep caress the two redheads lips don't leave the two Reapers lips for a very long time.... "he was supposed to be unharmed!"  Agent June Stahl says when she sees that Jimmy was nursing his bleeding center Jax smirks when he sees Czarina shake her arm and Nyx pretend to limp as she walked over to Juice who tries very hard not to chuckle though his smile shines big and bright like the sun "well he did kick her!"  Jax says pointing to the white Doberman Stahl looks over and sees the pup limp over to the grinning Cheshire cat and she shrugs then her little boys lead Jimmy to her car.... "I wouldn't try that if I were you!"  Czarina warns one of Sthal's boys a few seconds later when he tries to feel her up "yeah! and why's that!?!"  he asks like he's the coolest cat in town and is trying very hard to act tough "you've been staring at my breasts long before you came over here and if you had learned how to read you would know why!"  she replies his eyes trace over the name on her right breast "and if that doesn't scare you you should know that I'm also Ron Tully's big sister and there is one thing I know about that man he will NEVER let me be put in prison and with our parents dead HE'S the one in charge of what happens to me!"  she adds "you're parents are dead!?!"  he asks with a shocked tone "one by the other the other by some crazy ass Nomad!.... not that you'd be able to prove it after all it's as they say no body no crime no proof no time!" she replies "you're welcome!"  Happy says with a smirk she smiles in return "not to mention the one who just spoke would break out of those cuffs just to kick you ass for even TRYING to do what's playing in your mind right now and the pups standing watch will help! but let me tell you this it will NEVER happen after all I already have a MAN what would I want with a little boy like you!?!"  she asks before walking away from the officer who now stares at her in shock his expression turns to fear when he sees the dark dangerously deadly smile on Happy's face that proves that every word she just said was true not only that but the pups barked at him in agreement of those very words as well and it wasn't a nice friendly bark either.... a few weeks after they were put in prison Happy gets his first visit with his woman and learns some very exciting news he learns that he's going to be a father the only thing that sucks about it was that he wasn't going to be able to be there for the baby's birth "your seed must be very potent for if they estimated right he or she would have been created during our first adventure"  Chu'mana tells him which makes him chuckle softly with sad eyes for he really wants to be there when the baby is born.... when Tully hears the news he teasingly asks his sister "do you want me to see if he can be there for the birth!?!"  Czarina replies with a smile "though that would be nice there is no way I'm letting her have her first child in the prison's hospital!"  Tully nods in agreement but he still promises "I'll see what I can do"  which makes her smile.... Tully had another thing to take care of for even though she never told Marcus Czarina "let it slip" how the officer had treated her when she was at Teller-Morrow when her friends all minus one.... Clay who she does NOT consider a friend by ANY means.... were being arrested and it pissed him off "I know I probably should have told Marcus but I just lost a man I consider a "brother from another mother" if I lose him in the same way or worse I don't think I could....!"  Czarina tells him "I'll take care of it!"  Tully growls in reply she knew his anger wasn't pointed at her so she let the fact that he spoke to her in such a way slide then he goes and steals Marcus' "favorite" phrase "I'm proud of you!"  he says gently with a smirk and she smiles....

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