Battle Scars🤺🤕

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Czarina had to give up a little of her alone time with her husband when he had to go to a meet to get some guns for the Sons of Anarchy luckily for the Mayans it was her last day of her "Honeymoon" and she was "easy-going" about it "I told them if...

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Czarina had to give up a little of her alone time with her husband when he had to go to a meet to get some guns for the Sons of Anarchy luckily for the Mayans it was her last day of her "Honeymoon" and she was "easy-going" about it "I told them if they needed you you could go so go!"  she tells Marcus who was very apologetic about them losing their last day of "freedom" he kisses her lips as his body sighs in relief he wasn't worried she'd be mad but he figured she'd be disappointed he knew he was he was looking forward to his last day of peace with just him and his wife and no worries "you come home!"  she whispers "para ti siempre mi reina"  he replies before kissing her again then leaving with sorrowful steps.... to make himself happy again his mind went back to their day of dancing they went to festivals all over California that had that specific activity for that was all he planned on doing that day.... with a few long rests inbetween and not just for traveling to those places but for food and other necessities.... he couldn't believe how good she was at every dance he got her to do what he could believe was how sensually sexy she looked doing them they did everything from salsa to a traditional Mexican dance and they had no other partner than one another his favorite dances of course were the ones where he could hold her close to him and feel her heartbeat in sync with his as well as the warmth of her body that melded together with his and seemed to truly make them one.... Czarina understood that Marcus held the world on his shoulders and that everyone needed him for one thing or another the only thing that pissed her off was that Marcus came home with a bullet in his leg and her husband got to learn another one of her many talents for she played doctor and took care of it "I'm used to horses more than humans but with these muscles it shouldn't be all that different!"  she teases as she effortlessly got the bullet out of his leg and stitched it up he chuckles then kisses her lips once they leave his her fingers slowly unbutton his shirt as her soft lips travel down his now half bare chest to his wounded leg and over his scar he moans softly at the feel of their light gentleness over his now tender skin his fingers comb through her hair as she starts to travel back up to meet his lips and he moans softly "no!.... stay there!"  and he feels her smile upon his scar which makes him smile for he realized just how desperate he sounded "if I knew you loved scars this much I'd get a few more!"  he jokes her lips leave his tender skin and she looks at him "lo siento mi reina.... bad joke"  he says as he looks into her sad eyes then watches as she walks away and his eyes become sad for he knew he hurt her heart and that was the last thing he ever wanted to do he follows her and watches as she cleans his blood off her hands his eyes try to meet hers in the bathroom mirror but they seem to stare at nothing as she tries her best to hide her anger and his sadness deepens he walks over to her and starts to leave a trail of light kisses along her neck down to her shoulders as he tries to show her just how sorry his is while whispering gentle apologies through his kisses but she seemed to either not feel them or.... in a matter of speaking.... no longer be with him he was just grateful she was even allowing him to touch her in the way that he is for he did not want to be on the receiving end of what Diego had gotten the day she met his crew he almost chuckled at the memory but he held it back for he didn't want to make things worse and just wanted to enjoy what she was willing to let him have as he kissed her his hands travel down her arms he missed how her body quivered at his touch but it seemed a little too unresponsive at the moment she was "saved" by the sound of a knock at the door and she leaves his embrace to go answer it which only made him sadder....

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