🪽On The Wings Of An Elvis🎸

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"I gotta head up to the Reaper cabin the Crows lost Bobby to Marks and Cobra's taking it pretty hard... they all are really but he's....!"  Czarina tells her husband who looks at her with sorrowful eyes "the rest of the army's already up there.... um.... do you think you could watch Rafe and Ari?! I don't want to take them up there to see that!"  she asks "of course mi corazón!"  Marcus replies softly "it isn't that I don't believe you can take care of them I just wasn't sure if you had club stuff to do!"  she tells him softly he slides his hand up her cheek and says softly while lowering his chin and looking into her eyes "I know mi alma!"  she hugs him and he wraps his arms around her as she begins to cry "Czarina!"  he whispers he feels her body quiver softly at the sound of her name flow from his lips so sensually he didn't know him saying her name had such a big affect on her he says it so little and he swore to himself to ty to remember to say it more often "Marcus!"  she sighs and his body sighs with her as he hugs her a little tighter to him "on the plus side this'll give you some good ol daddy daughter son time!"  Czarina says softly Marcus chuckles then kisses the top of her head.... a hour or so later Czarina was on Marcus' Harley riding towards the Reaper Cabin when Happy heard a familiar Harley's purr ride up towards the cabin he rushes towards it and hugs the woman who climbs off it as soon as he sees her and bursts into tears holding her tightly to him as she wraps her arms around his back as the pups who came with her jump up and place their paws on Happy's arms and lick his face making him chuckle through his tears "where are the twins?!"  Happy asks as soon as the last tear he shed fell "with Marcus, I think he made sure he had no clubhouse calls after he heard what happened"  Czarina replies he smiles "come on I'll take you back up"  she says he laughs then they climb onto the Harley and ride the rest of the way up to the cabin where the rest of the redheaded army and their children.... well the ones that could anyway.... rush up to them and give them and the pups a hug hearing the pups bark Abel runs out of the cabin and rushes over to them with Wendy and Thomas not too far behind the confused blonde smiles when she sees Abel happily hug Nyx and Aušrinė who start a game only pups and kids can play right away hearing the other pups Chantesuta's pup Cheveyo rushes out of the cabin to join in the fun making everyone chuckle remembering how two out of the five redheads sounded when they sang Happy had asked the army to sing a song for Bobby "alright but just to warn you I don't know any Elvis songs!"  Czarina teases making them all laugh again Amaranta found one of Bobby's acoustic guitars and played as well as sang with the other redheads Lauren Alaina "Wings Of An Angel"  in spanish which had everyone mesmerized as they listened to the harmonized hauntingly ethereal voices of each redhead singing as one as Rat, Tig and Happy carry Bobby's body from the van to the table after they finished singing the women had the guys take off their boots before heading inside and putting what kids were there to bed then Czarina went home leaving her brothers pups under the safe and protective guard of Happy and Quinn for their kids sake since all the kids wanted them to stay when Czarina got home she found her sleeping children laying next to a sleeping Marcus in her and his bed and it made her smile she carefully climbed into bed kissing each one of them on the forehead before laying her own head on her pillow and falling asleep herself.... the next day while Marcus was out working with his club Czarina took her children to go see Tully "Uncle T!"  Aricia and Raphael call out excitedly as they beat their mom inside the room Tully chuckles as he stands up out of his chair and walks over to them with a smile and hugs them "we brought some toys this time"  Czarina tells her brother who chuckles with a smile and for the first time ever the visit between brother and sister became a visit between uncle, niece and nephew which Tully enjoyed immensely as he sat on the floor the full hour and played with Raphael and Aricia with his sister sitting at the table "supervising" with a smile on her face she feels her phone vibrate in her thigh pocket and takes it out then puts it to her ear and says "hello!?!"  Tully looks up at her questioningly for she's never answered her phone during a visit then again nobody has ever called her during a visit so he guessed it was some sort of emergency "visiting Tul with the twins why!?!.... uh sure, just a sec!"  Czarina says into her phone she moves it away from her ear and says as she hands it to her brother "Iz has a question she'd like to ask you"  Tully smiles with a raised eyebrow then takes the phone from her putting it up against his ear as he continues to play with his niece and nephew.... "yeah!?!"  Tully asks into the phone "I was wondering how much you'd miss Leland if my husband and I were to meet your "dog walker" of a redneck!?!"  Izella replies he chuckles then asks "where are you!?!"  she replies "at St Thomas meeting my OBGYN, I know why he's here and the little blonde he's after happens to be a friend of the "army".... Esai's got a silencer so we won't get caught!"  Tully smiles then says "not too much.... have fun!"  then he hangs up and hands the phone back to his sister who was shaking her head with a smile at him as she takes her phone back from him he smiles back then once again turns his attention to the ones he knows he won't be able to see all that often and he was going to take advantage of every second he had with them and do whatever they thought was "fun" "you spoil us you know!?!"  Czarina teases "I know!"  Tully coos his smile grows when he hears his sister laugh.... Izella sat in Eglee's bed with a smiling Esai standing beside her and as soon as Leland slowly opened the door he saw one of the most beautiful smiles he's ever seen then heard a matching voice flow from the redheads beautiful lips "hi!"  he opens his mouth to reply and ends up with a bullet in the center of his forehead and his body falls backwards "shit!"  Esai says and he rushes over to the now dead body and pulls it into the room by its ankles listening to his wife softly chuckle at him just then Unser walks out of the bathroom and stares at them shrugging his arms at his sides "what!?! he was flirting with my wife!"  Esai says Izella laughs Unser lets out a short soft chuckle and shakes his head with a half smile then says "go! I'll take care of this!"  the Mexican and the redhead nod then leave the room "I think that's the last time he's ever going to ask for our help!"  Izella says to her husband as they walk down the hall Esai laughs then kisses her lips then they walk out of the hospital to his Harley and ride home....

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