Taking Care Of Your Family👨‍👩‍👦

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"I want you to call Jury and ask for a few days off"   Czarina tells Izella the next day the other redhead looks at her oddly "Happy would tell you the same thing!

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"I want you to call Jury and ask for a few days off"   Czarina tells Izella the next day the other redhead looks at her oddly "Happy would tell you the same thing!...."  she adds "you know that phone call Esai got during the Run?!"  she asks Izella nods "DT got a visit from their sides Mayan charter.... I don't believe anyone was hurt but I have a feeling Jury's gonna be cleaning house for a few days patching new patches since DT is now SoA"  Czarina tells her friend who nods "you've always been family but now your closer since I'm practically mom to your rey principesco! Izella chuckles softly "come on lets steal our mens bikes and take the pups for a ride!"  Czarina says as she wraps her arm around Izella's shoulder Izella laughs and the two women walk outside and whistle for the pups as they walk towards Esai and Marcus' Harley's the pups come running and see the redheads putting their side cars on the Harley's and become overly excited.... a half a minute later Marcus who was in the garage with his son hears the familiar purr of his Harley rev up and drive away and he smiles Esai who heard the same thing looks up and asks "what are they doing!?!"  the two men walk over to the garage door just in time to see the girls wave at them from the streets and Marcus replies with a smile "taking the pups for a ride"  Esai smiles then shakes his head and goes back to work.... a few minutes later they had to call their women back so they could have their bikes back and head to the clubhouse "take the pups with you.... they aren't done and don't want to stay home!"  Czarina says as she walks over to Marcus and kisses his lips Marcus smiles and nods then wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her to him connecting their hips as he kisses her lips then he walks away Esai gives Izella a kiss then heads over to his Harley and climbs on then waits for his father to join him on his own before driving away Izella and Czarina stand in the driveway with a smile on their face as they watch their men ride off the pups barking their "thank you and goodbye"s as the white skinned redheads wave at their Mexicans.... Izella and Czarina spend the day with the wives of the Mayans in the Oakland charter and their children preparing for the annual family picnic the wives do for their husbands every year around this time one of the wives even tried to be sneaky and sent a video of the two redheads playing with the kids to Marcus "uh oh I bet I know where that's going!"  Czarina says as she watches the wife begin to put her phone away Izella looks at her curiously and she (Czarina) nods over at the smiling woman who still had her phone in her hand Izella looks over just as the wife places her phone back into her pocket and she (Izella) laughs then goes back to playing.... Marcus felt his phone go off in his pocket just as he stops his Harley and he pulls it out with a confused look on his face for Czarina never contacts him unless it's an emergency and she always calls when she does she never texts because she'd rather hear his voice instead of read the computerized words displayed on the screen he unlocks it and finds the video the wife had sent and his cock hardens and throbs at the sight of his beautiful wife playing with a large group of young ones with her best friend at her side and he smiles at the sight of her smile seeing his father smile Esai looks at him oddly then gets shown the video and his cock reacts the same way his fathers did but for the opposite woman.... "mmmm daddy's home!"  Czarina coos as straddles herself in front of Marcus on his Harley and starts tracing the words "Los Asesinos de Dios" that is sown onto a patch on his kutte then kisses his lips Marcus moans softly at the feel and taste of her lips on his "I'd trace your tattoos but I don't want to strip you in front of the kids that's the wrong kinda show to show them!"  she teases he chuckles then his lips meet hers once again with a deeper more sensual kiss than the last he loved it when she traced the tattoo on his chest with the tips of her fingers hell he loved it when she touched him in ANY way "you should take me dancing!"  she coos "oh really!?!"  he replies with a small smile and a raised eyebrow she nods and says "the last and only time we've ever danced was at our wedding and I miss feeling you that close to me without you being in me and you're a really good dancer!"  his smile grows he was about to reply but got interrupted by one of the young boys she and Izella were watching that once again wanted her attention and to show them both something he seemed very proud of Marcus chuckles as Czarina takes his hand and they climb off his Harley then follow the young man who had taken her other hand and lead them to the backyard man he loved how she got along with everyone she wasn't suppose to get along with.... according to her family anyway.... but what he loved more was how good she was with kids and he couldn't wait till they had a few dozen of their own.... Mexican's breed like rabbits and have families as big as the Italians and Greeks as you well know!?.... Marcus knew that the boy that came up to them as they were chatting and kissing mainly wanted her attention and only brought him into it because he was there don't get me wrong all the kids love him but they seem to love Czarina and Izella more now not that Marcus blamed them even if he did love them all equally Czarina still stood on the highest pedestal in his heart, mind, body and soul she was wrapped around it like a unbreakable shield protecting everything making sure no part of him broke or got hurt and when he did she took care of him making sure he was back to his strong moral self with a tough outer shell and gentle inner heart....

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