🫱🏻‍🫲🏽Shake On It🫱🏽‍🫲🏻

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Jax smiles when Tara tells him that Czarina melted the bullet "why are you smiling!?!"  she asks him with a incredulous tone and matching expression on her face "she really is a smart one!"  Jax whispers to himself the smile never leaving his face then he walks away from the woman he still loves who stares at him in disbelief then (Tara) growls in anger.... Chantesuta stayed at the cabin with Juice and he loved every second of it the only thing he missed was having their new pup laying at his feet he had actually gotten used to that but they allowed Amaranta and the kids to take Cheveyo home with them for the night.... what was even better was the paper Chantesuta showed him after he had a chat with Bobby the next day "I told you we could try again!"  she coos softly as she hands him a paper from her doctor proving that she was once again pregnant his eyes widen as he reads the paper "it's only been a couple of weeks so there isn't much to show you but when we get a chance.... you should hear his heartbeat it's....! there are no words to describe the miracle of it!"  she says softly and he hugs her tightly breathing in her scent "I told you I was proud of you! we even made us a present!"  she whispers into his ear and he chuckles with tears in his tone... happy ones this time not sad ones like the last.... "no Diosa for you!.... not while you have me!"  she says softly "no! never! I will always only want you baby!"  he replies she kisses his lips he moves her into the room across from Bobby's his lips never leaving hers as they walk towards then into it and make love to one another.... Czarina leans up against Marcus' Harley with her children in her arms as Marcus has a Meet with Nero and the Byzlats listening to the tempo of the mens voices but not their words as they speak "orale good to see you, Marcus"  Nero says "you, too, Nero thanks for making the time, huh"  Marcus replies "hey, it's all good.... my how they've grown you're doing good momma!"  Nero says Czarina smiles at him "I gotta say, though, I'm a little more than curious about your offer to my boy Fiasco-- Mayans helping Byzlats.... how's that work?"  Nero asks Marcus "shit that happens in Oaktown don't stay in Oaktown it affects everyone"  Marcus replies "what shit is that?"  Nero asks "we got a delicate balance-- us, Niners, Chinese, Italians-- we all got our piece and we all got our boundaries.... and we all get our guns from SAMCRO same price, same quality but the nature of the business, MC became the de facto referee, and Jax embraced that"  Marcus replies "but not anymore"  Nero says "that's right you see, Sons pulling out creates a void-- not just in guns but in power word is Jax is handing over the Irish guns to August Marks.... and that move gives black a lot of weight, èse upsets the balance makes a real problem for all of us"  Marcus replies "sit down have a Meet with the MC, work it out"  Nero says "Jax should've thought about that before he started killing people not my meeting to call now I gotta sit down with the Chinese and see what my options are"  Marcus replies "why you telling me all this?"   Nero asks "you got a relationship, èse Marcus replies "business partner I'm just Teller's business partner we're moving a little pussy, you know? I got no say in what he does with his club"  Nero says "Mayans are starting up a charter up in Stockton I've got 20 members from Vegas and Oakland gonna make the jump things play out in Oaktown the way I think, it's gonna be brown and yellow against black and white now, I know that puts you at odds with Teller and your own streets, èse"  Marcus says "Jesus Christ, that's the way this is gonna go down?"  Nero asks "just giving you a heads up, mano, that's all"  Marcus says "best we stay neutral"  Nero replies "come on, èse, there ain't no Switzerland in the hood"  Marcus says "and what do you think of this!?!"  Nero asks Czarina "of what!?!"  she asks "don't give me that!"  Nero says "I'm going to ignore that tone you just used with me Mr. Padilla!"  she replies Nero chuckles softly as she continues "and ask you again of what!?!.... of the new Charter!?! everything grows whether it's good or not and the only way to know if it's gonna be good is to give it a chance to grow, of Jax's "leadership" he's thinking with his emotions not his head! he's letting what is happening to him affect how he leads his crew! he's acting like the spoiled selfish prince that he is instead of the king he's supposed to be!.... if I were to compare and contrast leaderships Marcus thinks about ALL "his" people Jax seems to only think of himself and that's no good for anybody!.... I know he probably believes the phrase "it only gets worse before it gets better" or at least he might use it as an excuse but in his case it may not, he's manipulating the masses while being manipulated himself he says he cares but is doing a horrible job of showing it! but since the mutts that walk behind him will follow him to the ends of the Earth and fall off that large cliff without asking why they must do it and just do it because he says they must! he's not only hurting his family but the home he swore he'd protect with every last breath he takes! I'm not sure if he doesn't truly know how to lead or if he's just given up.... he never wanted the chair as a matter of fact he's been wanting OUT of the club ever since Abel was kidnapped! before that happened he just wanted to make it better but after.... after Belfast and Tara his whole vantage point of how the world spins on it's axis has changed and it's only getting worse!.... I don't fully blame him cause he didn't have the "proper" guidance from what I hear his father would have been the better choice not his stepfather!.... I grew up in Oakland and before I married Marcus I never really left it so I don't know the "Charming" world or how it works but from what I've seen it's no better or worse than anywhere else but it's getting there, it's getting worse becoming darker, it started with Clay I just pray that it ends with Jax! if the next prez treats that crew the way those two have there may not be anymore "Charming" world left and I got family in that "Charming" world that have suffered just as much as you have so if you believe I should be proud of how he's handling his shit I'm not! and I'm sick and tired of fixing it too! his problems aren't my problems but because of family being stuck in the middle of his shit I end up making them my problems and I'm just about close to being done doing that!"  she replies Marcus and Nero stare at her there was a hint of pride in Marcus' eyes but Nero just looked shocked "if we're done here I'd like to get the kids out of the sun"  Czarina says Marcus smiles at her as he slides his hand along her hip and says "of course me reina!"  he kisses her lips and his children's foreheads then tells his guys "let's roll"  Czarina lifts herself off his Harley then walks over to their family car places her children in their carseats, buckles them in making sure they're secure before closing the door then opening the drivers side door climbing in and driving away with Marcus watching her with sad eyes then following her on his Harley with his men not too far behind....

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