And Our Family Keeps Growing👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🤱🏻👶🏻

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Marcus and Czarina's children's name meanings and origins

Raphael means: "God has healed" origin Hebrew

Aricia means "Princess of the royal blood of Athens" origin: Greek

"You should head to the club and go see your husband"  Czarina says to Chantesuta who nods with a smile then gives the two young ones a kiss on the cheek and everyone else a hug before standing up and walks over to her Harley, climbs on then drives away "you too Cobra who knows if Jax'll need you!"  Czarina tells her friend who nods then copies Chantesuta's movements the only thing that was different was he also gave his wife a kiss on the lips just then Marcus' phone goes off "and you should go see what your mutts want!"  she teases Marcus chuckles then he and Esai give each of the girls a kiss then head off themselves Chu'mana, Izella and Czarina prepare Chu'si and Zarouhi for the ride home then leave Chu'mana and Izella on their Harley's Czarina with the girls in Izella's family car.... that night while Eli was arresting Tara Czarina's water breaks "Marcus!"  Marcus hears her call out softly then repeats his name just a little louder with a slightly frantic worried tone which makes him rush over to where she was trying her best to walk towards him "I.... I think we have to go!"  she tells him softly he smiles then leads her to his car and drives her to the hospital a few hours later she gives birth to one 7 pound boy they named Raphael and one 6 pound girl named Aricia with Marcus at her side holding her hand with an expression of pride and happiness on his face it was one of the greatest moments of his life just like when his first son was born "why Raphael!?!"  Marcus asks Czarina softly with a curious tone "in honor of Rafi even though I know that wasn't his name.... and it means "god has healed" you may not be a god but you have healed me in more ways than you know!"  Czarina replies softly he smiles then kisses her lips "here I pumped some so you can feed him if you'd like"  she says handing him his son his smile grows as he takes him from her then the bottle which sat on the table next to her hospital bed and she uses her free hand to help her daughter latch onto her breast so she could eat "they're perfect mi reina I'm so proud of you!"  he whispers and he kisses her lips then sits in the chair by the bed and feeds his son from the bottle Marcus had a lot of phone calls to make that night and so he didn't feel like his ear was going to fall off a very tired Czarina helps him once his crew found out that his wife was having his children they made sure he had a couple of days to be a dad while they took care of club stuff only calling him if it was an absolute emergency Bobby who was either sick of Jax's shit or trying to find a way to fix the problems both Jax and Clay created for the Reapers came by the hospital to see Czarina and her newborns before he left Charming completely Chibs, Tig, Happy, Juice, Esai, Izella, Zarouhi, Chu'mana, Chu'si and Chantesuta all came to the hospital together but went into Czarina's room two at a time so they didn't get in trouble for overcrowding Nero came a few minutes after them all smiles when he found out he was a Godfather Romeo came the next day and got the same news as Nero which also made him happy Bishop and Taza congratulated Marcus via phone call for they were too busy with their own club shit to come down and see them which they (Marcus and Czarina) both understood Czarina bet that there was a Santo Padre style celebration over there though.... Raphael and Aricia's very first outing was to a club picnic hosted by the wives of the members.... though it was Czarina's idea to have it.... "what better way to meet the entire family than a picnic!?! and it would be better than crowding everyone in that stuffy clubhouse of yours!"  Czarina tells Marcus when she came up with the idea and he chuckles with a smile then kisses her lips "besides I'm not ready to travel too far away from Oakland just yet!"  she adds he nods with a smile for neither was he....

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