💖💝💞Amame Cuando Menos Lo Merezca, Por Que Sera Cuando Mas Lo Necesite💗💓💕

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"They treat you alright in there!?!"  Nero hears Czarina playfully ask as he walks out of Marcus' garage/office "I'm still in one piece that's a miracle on it's own!"  he replies she chuckles then he walks over an gives her a hug "kids are at our ...

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"They treat you alright in there!?!"  Nero hears Czarina playfully ask as he walks out of Marcus' garage/office "I'm still in one piece that's a miracle on it's own!"  he replies she chuckles then he walks over an gives her a hug "kids are at our place with the rest of the army if you want to go say hello"  she tells him "I just might do that!"  he replies she smiles then sees her husband walk out of the garage/office and she smiles at him Marcus returns her smile with one of his own Nero turns to see who she was smiling at then says as he turns his attention back to her "I'll let you get back to that huh?!"  she chuckles with a smile he smiles and hugs her then walks away and Marcus walks over to her and asks "you ready?!"  she asks "where are we going?!"  she asks "wherever you want!"  he replies "diner down the street I know you probably gotta get back to it soon"  she says he smiles and  kisses her lips then he takes her hand leads her to his Harley they climb on and ride off to the diner down the street and have lunch together then he has to get back to work and she goes home to the kids.... it was pretty close to sundown when Marcus was finally allowed to head home and straight into his wife's arms once again "I think we need a bigger yard!"  he hears her tease with a smile as they watch all the kids play together in their backyard he chuckles then kisses her lips of course he didn't get to stay for very long for he had to go meet Jax for a "celebration" of sorts and hand him back his rat by that time everyone went home to their own beds to sleep but Czarina being the woman that she is stayed up until Marcus got home THEN went to sleep with her arms wrapped around his body and her head laying on his chest listening to the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat Marcus' eyebrow raises as Czarina sits up with a smile on her face and rolls so that she now lays on top of him completely her wet core meeting his hard cock like a Bratwurst to a bun her lips meet his as the tips of her fingers slide down his chest making him moan softly she slides him inside her the rest of the way and slowly starts to rock on top of him while sensually looking into his eyes he smiles as he slides his hand over her cheek through her hair bringing her lips back down towards his then his fingers slide down her chest making her body quiver gently they stop at her breasts and start to massage, tease and play with them part of him wanted to go faster and harder another part of him wanted to enjoy the sensuality of the lovemaking they were committing at the moment for he found it to be a better way to show how much he loves her for he didn't want to finish too soon he wanted to enjoy every second of what was happening at the moment not that he didn't enjoy the more animalistic part of lovemaking that sometimes happens between them but there was something special about this night and the way they were making love for she was the one who started it and he was not expecting it as a matter of fact he thought she had already fallen asleep things were finally starting to go right once again and the pieces were finally HOPEFULLY falling into place he had his wife back, relationships with the Reapers were once again growing and getting to a "good place" sure there was an issue with the Chinese and the Blacks but he hoped he could work that out as well "what have you done?!"  he asks "do I truly need a "wrong" reason to make love to my husband!?! or maybe I should let someone feed me drugs and beer THEN make love to him so something can FINALLY go right!"  she replies a flash of hurt crosses over his eyes and she stops rocking above him and says softly "I see!"  she begins to move away from him and he gently grips her arms and keeps her there as he replies softly with a sad tone "no lo siento mi vida!.... I really need to learn when to keep my mouth shut!"  she chuckles softly and says with a smile "yes you do!"  he chuckles with a smile then kisses her lips he rolls her over so that he was now on top of her and makes up for his mistake by continuing what she started before he opened his mouth and let words instead of moans spill out his lips caressing every inch of her body nipping and nibbling at her skin every now and then making her jump and quiver with excited happiness once his lips reach her ear he whispers how much he loves her in a more profound way than he did when he druggingly thought Jade was her in his native tongue telling her all the things he loves about her and why he loves her, things he tries to do every day but could never find the right words to say or actions profound enough to show everything he feels for her but now it seems so much easier and clearer than it ever has before in that moment right there just the two of them with their hearts beating as one he doesn't stop even after he fills her with his thick delicious juices "dulces sueños mi amor"  Marcus whispers softly before kissing her lips she smiles at him and replies "duerme bien mi amor"   he says "vivo pensando en ti y duermo soñando contigo así sé que serán buenos sueños"  she smiles and kisses his lips then rolls them over so that he is once again under her and lays down upon him then closes her eyes and falls asleep he follows not too far behind with a smile on his face god he loves this woman and he'll never want another for as long as they both shall live....

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