Rey Returning Home To His Reina🏡, A Marriage💍 And Trouble With The Sons😎

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While Marcus was in prison he made sure that he not only kept in touch with his crew but stayed in contact with his soon to be wife which was how he found out that his son was dating Izella Lowman "they better slow down or we'll end up with a doub...

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While Marcus was in prison he made sure that he not only kept in touch with his crew but stayed in contact with his soon to be wife which was how he found out that his son was dating Izella Lowman "they better slow down or we'll end up with a double wedding!"  Czarina teases through the receiver of the prison headset during one of her visits Marcus chuckles then says with a soft smile "you say that like it's a bad thing!"  she replies with a slight tease in her tone "well it might be people could say that Esai wanted to be just like his dad so bad that he had to get married on the same day!"  he chuckles she raises her hand and places it on the glass then coos suggestively in a voice so soft only he could hear "it's a good thing this is here.... the things I would do to you if it wasn't!"  his body quivers softly and he smiles he looks at the ring on her finger and asks "you had it resized!?!"  she shakes her head and replies "no I had it copied.... I may have added one small detail to it though"  she grips the chain around her neck and pulls out Marcus' ring from inbetween her breasts then shows him the word "rey" that she had etched in small very fine detailed gorgeous calligraphy along the edge of it then takes hers off and shows him that she had the word "reina" written the same way on hers and he chuckles softly "I hope you don't mind"  she says softly "not at all mi reina!"  he replies with a smile it was at that moment he wanted to kiss her.... well he always wants to kiss her but this moment held a special meaning to it so he wanted to do it even more.... she notices his eyes turn sad then return to their "normal" happy in a flash as though he was trying to hide the fact that he became sad at all "you don't have to hide from me you know?!"  she says softly he looks at her then chuckles "you always see right through me!"  he says with a soft chuckle in his tone "no I always see you!"  she replies and he smiles god the urge to kiss her was getting stronger by the moment but he didn't just want to kiss her he wanted to make her playful tease into a reality and at this point in time he didn't care who watched he just wanted her oh so badly.... when he returned home two years later Marcus found out that soon to be wife already had the wedding plans in motion she had even called Bishop to see when he'd be free to come down for it.... even though she knew plans could change in an instant in ANY motorcycle club.... as well as her wedding dress, venue, food, music and everything else picked out he found out from Esai that she had him contact the entire Alvarez family so that those who could make it could come so that it wasn't just a club wedding all that was left was for him to buy her her ring just like she told him to do when he was first taken away "we could always count this as my ring I did use your money to buy it"  Czarina says as she looks down at the Mayan ring on her finger and wiggles it back and forth Marcus chuckles then replies with a smile "no I want to get you one, it's more personal that way it's coming from my heart!"  she says as she looks into his eyes "but this is your heart!"  he cups her chin in his hand and replies with a soft smokey tone "no you are!"  he goes to kiss her lips but stops when he hears her tease with a smile "I thought I was your queen!?!"  he smiles and replies "you are!.... the queen of my heart, soul, my everything!"  then his lips meet hers in a gentle caress they never needed any words everything they had to say to one another was said within a kiss, every touch, every embrace, each gaze they shared in one anothers eyes spoke volumes of how they felt for one another but we all know that hearing it as well as seeing and feeling it was always good "te quiero mi reina"  Marcus whispers once he lets her lips go "te amo mi rey"  she whispers softly in reply he smiles then kisses her again....

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