Sit down, mate🌡️

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Sickie: Felix

Caregivers: Stray Kids

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Felix' POV.:
We'd be partaking in that huge music show, which was really a big deal because we didn't think we'd make it that far. Understandably, the entire group was nervous and tense these past days, worrying about tricky dance moves we didn't always nail perfectly. There were so many elements of our choreography, that could go wrong and aside from embarrassing ourselves on stage, somebody might seriously get hurt. My nerves had been really bad for the last few days. I barely had any appetite at all and every time I forced myself to eat, my stomach would start cramping nauseatingly. However, I never actually threw up, so I knew it couldn't be a stomach bug. I was tired all the time, running on barely any sleep because I couldn't find peace at night. My head was hurting from the sleep deprivation too but it wasn't enough to mention it to my members. They were all dealing with their own stress and nerves, so it wouldn't be fair if I was a baby about it and went to burden someone else with my struggle.

Today was the day I had been dreading. Later tonight, we'd perform at the music show and my anxiety was skyrocketing. It only made sense that I woke up so much worse than I had felt the past days, now that the event was only few hours away. I had only felt the way I felt right now, a few times before, usually when I tried to work while not being on top of my health and ran myself into the ground. I couldn't possibly be sick on top of my nerves, now could I? Since it sounded highly unlikely, I pushed the thought away and got ready for the day. I ignored the burning ache in my muscles because I knew I had worked them hard during practice, so it was no surprise they felt sore. My head was pounding from the lack of sleep and the stress, so I swallowed a painkiller. I knew I shouldn't take them on an empty stomach but eating didn't sound too appealing to me right now. Joining my members in the living room, I just wanted to turn back and hide in my room. First, I had noticed how sensitive I felt to light when the bathroom light burned my eyes but now I also realized that the noise affected me badly. I loved my friends but right now, they were just too loud.

Not feeling like I could handle all the commotion right now, I went back to my room and crashed back on my bed. "Hey, you okay?", Changbin asked me. He had just come from the bathroom and wanted to fetch his phone when he found me on my bed with an arm covering my eyes. I nodded and cleared my throat before answering: "Just tired. Couldn't sleep because I was nervous and all the commotion out there 's jus' stressing me out, so I'll wait here till we have to leave." I heard the older's footsteps come closer before the mattress dipped. "Feeling anxious?", he hummed, squeezing my shoulder. I nodded but assured him that I'd be fine, I just wanted to get the performance over with.

Changbin let me rest till we had to leave. Though he would have wanted me to eat something, he didn't push it when I said I didn't feel like it. Jisung and I held hands through the entire car ride to the venue, trying to reassure each other. I bit my lip when I could feel the rapper's hand start to shake and I squeezed it comfortingly. Our members had gone mostly quiet by now, each of them going over their own weak spots in their heads, hoping not to mess those parts up this time. Chan sat in the chair next to me while we got our makeup done. We were having a conversation in English or rather, Chan was talking to me in English, which was usually very comforting to me because it gave me a sense of home. Today though, today it did nothing to soothe me. Despite not having had breakfast, my stomach was cramping badly and I felt like I might need to be sick. "Felix-shi, you look a bit green under that foundation I just put on you, are you alright?", the makeup noona asked. I grit my teeth and nodded, forcing a smile. Sadly, Chan had heard and turned to me worriedly. Our eyes met and I admitted quietly: "I'm scared, hyung."

Chan was already done and was reassuring me while our staff finished my makeup. "I've seen you during practice, I know you'll do amazing even if it doesn't feel like it at the moment", my hyung promised, showing his dimples as he smiled. It really didn't feel like it at the moment. I was starting to feel so much worse and I wasn't sure I'd even be able to get out of my chair. Right now, I was really craving someone to hold me, to rub my stomach that was just twisting itself tighter and to scratch my scalp and ease the headache that hadn't let up for days but I couldn't tell anyone how awful I really felt, if I did, they'd surely make me sit out. I couldn't sit out today, this performance was too important. As soon as my makeup was done, Minho and Hyunjin pulled me out of my seat, so we could go over some of our more difficult dance moves again. The moment they had me on my feet, my vision went black and he tightly clutched Hyunjin's arm till I could see again. With a fake laugh I scolded him: "Not so fast, hyung. You made my blood drop to my legs." – "Well, that's where you need it for dancing", Minho replied sassily and I rolled my eyes.

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