Chapter 04

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"I missed you too Hyung. You don't know how much I missed you."

Those words repeated in Sehun's mind continuously. He hopes younger means it as more than a friend. Because he did.

Silence filling in the room. But it's not uncomfortable. After some time Kai pulls back from the hug with reddish cheeks. It's adorable to see younger like this. He has to remember this moment forever.

"Do you like to have some coffee Pyeha?" hear again with that title. Sehun sigh nodding.

Younger makes two cups of coffee from instant coffee packets he has in his room.


"hmm?" younger didn't return his eyes from his task.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell what Pyeha?"

"About your new plan?"


"Kai I asked you a question!"


"Do you think I will stop you if you told me?"

"It's not like that Pyeha." Kai gives older his coffee and gets himself sitting comfortably on his bed with his cup.

"You didn't answer my question"

"I didn't want to make you worry Pyeha. That's why. I know you won't allow me to do a dangerous thing if you know. That's why I didn't tell you. I want to make you proud. Because I am your unbreakable sword. "

Sehun stands from his chair and comes toward the bed sitting beside the younger. He holds his hand to himself.

"You know when I told you that you're my unbreakable sword in that night, I meant it. Because you are worth for that title. And this is your life. I won't stop you from doing something you like as long as you are safe. You don't have to do dangerous things to make me proud"

It makes Kai smile. Making older smiles too.

"So when you have to go?" the king asks laying himself on Kai's bed. Crossing his legs on younger's lap. Younger didn't oppose the action. It was normal for them although it's been while being like this.

"Next Monday."


"Don't come that day Pyeha. It will be chaotic if you come there" the younger said getting scoff at the reply.

"I won't. I am a busy person."

"That's good." the younger sigh in relief. "But?" he asks with frowning.

"You know me too well" older exclaim with a joyful voice. "I got you on leave for two days. And we are going to spend it together as a farewell party! So let's go..."

"What? Now?" the younger ask in disbelief. He has a lot of things to do before his departure. But there is his lover/ friend with all excited self, pushing him into the bathroom to get ready.

With the bathroom door closed he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He is going to spend two days with his lover. He should treasure those moments for the future. Because he didn't know when will he can return? Oh, his reports! Kai sigh.

"Why I have a king as my friend?" he muttered to himself getting ready.

After meeting his superior, Kai and the king leave the helicopter for a short vacation. Younger finds himself with an excited king in front of the sub palace build at Juju Island. The royal family used this palace for short vacations and family gatherings. But after the late king, this palace didn't use anyone. This is the first time Kai visit this palace.

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