Chapter 22

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"Seem like this is getting more serious than we thought," Sejeong said looking at writings on the large window.

"So that Oh Jinho is traveling between two worlds. But what for?" Seung-gi asks looking at King.

"I don't know what he is doing going there and here, but we should find it soon. Because I know whatever he is doing is not something good." Sehun replied rubbing his temple.

They are in the hotel suite room. After getting introduce and eating, they settle in the living room and share what they found and everything. Sejeong and Seung-gi told them about another dead body they found. The same as before cases. Sehun and Kai share what they found about Oh Jinho's followers and about people that went missing for days and found again. Kai told them about Luna, who has the same face as Sejeong. Sehun and Sejeong write memos on their large window. Temporary using it as a notice board.

"I forgot to tell you guys, yesterday when I went to meet Baekhun, there was a man at his café. He was palm reading of that man." Jongin begins after taking a big sip from his beer.

"Jongin, we know you don't like to see baekhyun with someone else." Seung-gi butt-ins.

"No Hyung, listen to me. That man gave me a spooky aura. I never met someone like him."

"So? Who was that?" Sejeong asks getting impatient from younger's slow story.

"He said, he knows me. And ask me when is you will come." Jongin said looking at Sehun.

"What?" Sehun asks surprised.

"That's what I thought too because I know, other than us, Baekhun, Sejeong noona's Dad, Police team, no one knows about king Hyung. Also, I never met him before." Jongin said worriedly. Kai and Sehun look at each other, understanding what happened.

"Did he asks anything more? What did you say to him? Can you describe how he looks?" Sehun questioned Jongin.

"He looks like someone in the middle forties. He has a big scare in his palm. I saw that when Baekhun was studying his palm. Also, he talks the same way as you guys, like in traditional K drama. And I told him, I don't know when you will come. But he told something like 'My Nephew already found someone can trust in hear with the same face'." Jongin looks at King and Kai.

"Middle forties? You really sure that?" Kai asks.

"Yes I am sure, although he was wearing a hat, he sure looks like a man in his forties," Jongin replied to Kai.

"Sehun, is he Oh Jinho?" Sejeong asks Sehun, who is thinking.

"I don't know really. That scare, way he talks, fact that he knows about Kai and Me, everything perfectly matches for that person to be Oh Jinho other than his age. He should be in his seventies by now. But it could be him if he didn't age since that day-" Sehun said looking at others. Worried filled in his voice.

"Hyung, didn't you had an old family photo on your phone?" Kai asks, remembering something.

"Oh, yeah. Wait." Sehun went to the bedroom and returns after a few minutes phone in his hands.

"Here. Jongin, see this, can you find him in here?" King gives Jongin his phone that shows a picture of the old imperial family. There was Sehun's father aka late king, queen-mother, his two uncles Oh Jinho and Oh Luhan, and his younger self in the photo.

"Oh, King Hyung, this is him! This man with military badges." Sehun falls onto the couch, his mind blanks from what they discovered.

"Hyung" Kai sits beside his lover, worried. He knew how many worries and sad memories this information brings. His lover lost his father because of this man, he had the same nightmare in the past 25 years because of this man, and now they confirmed Oh Jinho is alive and planning something dangerous.

"He is alive," Sehun said after a while. Kai takes his hands.

"Don't worry you have me beside you, I won't let anyone do anything to you Hyung." Kai tries to calm down his lover.

"No Kai, it is not what I am worried about, if he found about you and Jongin, that means he also knows what I am doing and who I am with. Because of me all of you are in danger. What he said to Jongin was a warning to me, he is giving me hint that he knew who helps me. " Sehun said looking at everyone in the room.

"Sehun, don't worry. I will keep eye on everyone. He won't try to do anything to us." Sejeong said.

"Yeah, About Baekhun and Twins, Jongin can move into his house temporally, I will stay at Sejeong's. So I can keep eye on both." Seung-gi replied, getting a nod from Jongin too.

"I am sorry, I am pulling you guys into this mess. " Sehun sounds worried.

"We can stop him if we find what he is up to, so we don't have to worry about danger coming from him," Kai said looking at his lover.

"You are right. Now we know he is alive and how he looks like. We should find what he is doing exactly." Sehun said standing. He walks to the window and writes down, 'appearance: same as 25 years ago under the name Oh Jinho. Sejeong stands and gathers his and her boyfriend's things, to retire for the day.

"Guys, we should get going, we will come here tomorrow. Till then don't walk around without disguises. Jongin will be in danger if someone sees his face roaming around while his work time." Sejeong said to King and Captain.

"King Hyung, I will get going too. I can't come tomorrow, I should move our things to Baekhun's house. But call me if you guys really want me here." Jongin said smiling.

"Okay. You guys should be careful. Especially you Jongin. With having the face of Kai, you should really careful." Sehun said to Jongin patting his shoulder.


"Hyung what you are thinking?" Kai asks as he looks up at Sehun's face from where he resting his head on his lover's chest.

They are on king size bed laying down, with Sehun resting his back on the headboard of the bed and Kai resting his head on his older's chest. After their long day and talk with others, they clean themselves and got into bed to catch some sleep. But because of their mind working on everything that they found, it seems like they won't get any sleep soon. Sehun was on spacing out since others went. Kai knows why he is spacing out. His mind is also working fast and thinking about everything that would happen to his lover and others who are helping them.

"Nothing," King replied looking down at younger. Kai pulls off from their hug and sits facing Sehun.

"Don't lie to me. I know you are thinking about Oh Jinho." Kai said pulling the king's hand to his.

"Hyung, I don't know what will happen in the future. But please remember that you are not alone. I am with you. Whatever going to happen in the future I will be beside you to face it together. And this time I won't give him a chance to hurt you." Kai said again slowly tracing Sehun's palm lines with his fingers. Sehun stares at the younger with a fond smile.

"I know," Sehun replied intervened in their hands. He is glad he has Kai, because of Younger he can breathe through his chaotic life.

"Come here." Sehun pulls younger back to their original position. Kai falls onto Sehun's chest with a tiny yelp. He balances his weight and rests his head on the clothed chest where the king's heart place.

"Thank you" Sehun kisses Kai's crown, tighten his hold on younger. Kai tries to look at King again. But Sehun didn't allow him to rest his cheek on his younger's head. He breathes Kai's scent that clams him down.

"Love you," Sehun said again after a minute of silence. Caressing younger's silky hair and place another kiss on the head.

"Love you too Hyung," Kai replied placing a kiss on King's heart.

In comfortable silence they slowly went to sleep, knowing the next day will more tiring than today.


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