Chapter 18

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You know, if everything is calm and very much happening to your liking...

It's something you should really think about.

Because there is a saying "calm before a storm".

That's what happening now. Throughout the past six years, their lives were much calmer. Sure, there were some ups and downs too. But they come through those moments. Sehun lives his life fully carefree because first he has Kim Kai as his Captain and he doesn't have to think about being in a dangerous situation because Kai is always with him and he is best at his job, more than anyone. Second is, the said man is also his boyfriend and he got to be with him every day.

Even their relationship is making more progress, Sehun and Kai didn't make it to public. Mostly because the younger is scared of people's reactions. Although their country has been approved gay marriage for a longer period, some people didn't fully accept it. Kai really doesn't know if they will get a chance to marry each other. But he hopes, someday they can.

And that won't stop, people shipping their king and Captain together. Thanks to Kai's dearest childhood friend, Byun Baekhyun. Who thought it would be a great idea to write fan fiction about them and run a fan base for them. And like that now there is all kind of stories on the internet! Even smut ones. Seriously why people curious about their sex life? Kai finds one of those books accidentally. And being a curious person he is and of course because the king's name had been mentioned he read it. And he swore to himself, that he won't ever read those books and will try to do everything to stop his lover from reading them. Who knows what kind of crazy ideas Sehun will get from the stories?

Being a Good lover, Sehun especially manages his time for his lover. So it was a really happy time for them. Chamberlain Junmyeon, Byun Baekhyun, and Sub Captain Park Chanyeol knew about their relationship and they helped to cover up when they want their time together.


Kai didn't know if God really gets bored or something. Because of what's happening now is, he knows god playing with him.

His king aka his lover suddenly disappeared. He searches him everywhere. Making the palace upside down during the process. Chamberlain Kim Junmyeon makes some excuses for the king's absence. PA department works hard not to slip anything about the situation. While Kai, couldn't eat or sleep peacefully. He searches everywhere, thinks harder to remember anything being mentioned by the king. But nothing was found. The only thing he knew is that king disappeared into thin air.

It is Christmas Eve and King didn't return yet. Kai couldn't found him. As passing day younger become more distressed. Not getting enough sleep or food makes him look like a ghost. He doesn't go to meet family, too scared he will miss king if he returns.

Chanyeol tries several times to get his Captain some rest. But not even Chamberlain Junmyeon successful in doing that.

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