Chapter 07

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It's King's twenty-seventh birthday celebration. Corea celebrates their king's birthday for seven days. Everyone sends their wishes to King. But for Sehun, those wishes are like empty words. Because those aren't from his Kai. And it's his third year celebrating it without Kai. Although it's hurting the king so much, he waits. Two weeks from his birthday, it will be their 3rd anniversary. still, Kai hasn't returned yet. His "soon" feels like an eternity to Sehun. Like the past two years, he plans to visit younger's house on their anniversary.

"Secretary Kim, did your clear my schedule on the 2nd of May?"

"Yes, I want a full day"


"You didn't tell me before. And you already know I won't attend any schedules on that day"

"Come with File, Now!"

Sehun sighs brushing his temples. Knock heard from his door and Secretary Kim comes with Thick Manila Document.

"Pyeha, I am sorry for not canceling this event. But it's Navel badging ceremony." Minseok gives a thick folder with navel embalm on it. Sehun sighs again. He couldn't avoid attending this.

"How long it will be? At least I want rest of day for myself" king mutters looking at the document.

"It will end at 2 pm Pyeha, I cleared your schedules after that for one day"

"Hmm," Sehun responds without looking at the Minseok.

"Pyeha, I checked the award nominee officers' name list. Mr. Kai is one of them"

"What? Where? "

Sehun looks at him and then folder in his hands. Looking through pages he found graduating list. And there is his lover's name; among Lieutenant Officers. Looking at it makes him smile proudly.

"Thank you. Minseok. I will keep this with me. And I will attend this event. You can go now"

Sehun reads through papers. Kai is graduating second lieutenant Officer. Also, he is getting promoted to a first lieutenant officer after his excellent service at joint operations in the Middle East. Kai is the youngest and best among every officer. During these seven years of military service younger manage to climb up from warrant officer to first lieutenant officer. It made King proud. Younger truly fulfilled his promise to be the best.


King is excited to meet younger. He keeps smiling all day since the news. And attend every event and meeting without complaining much.

Except he complained about things like "time going too slow" or "when will this day come to end?" Junmyeon scoff at the overexcited king every time he whines at him and gets pout as a reply.


Finally, their anniversary day comes. King is so excited to meet Kai. King arrives at the avenue with his guards and Chamberlain Junmyeon. Junmyeon is holding two bouquets of Dahlia and white heathers. The ceremony hall filled with officers, their families, and guests. King meets his fellow officers when he was in the military. Also, few superiors and ministers.

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