Chapter 25

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Sehun returned to Corea after two days. Again, without Kai. He didn't like the idea. But he had to do it because they still have to catch Oh Jinho.

"Hyung you don't have to worry, we will catch him soon" Sehun remembers what Kai said when they partway.

So like they discussed before, King gets ready for his second try. He is planning to go the night of the coup again, this time he will definitely kill Oh Jinho, he will scarify his life if he should. He didn't tell that to Kai though.


It was the second day after the king return. Kai continues his searching, with help of Jongin, Sejeong, and Seung-gi. They found about medical care center, which helps Oh Jinho to exchange people.

After Kai's and Seung-gi's second visit, Kai went to his hotel room. He stops at one of his usual cafés near the hotel to get coffee on the way.

He drinks his coffee thinking about his lover, and their plan. He didn't feel anything until he finished his coffee. He feels a bit dizzy. He was deep in thoughts to catch there was something odd with his coffee. He went to the hotel thinking he feels dizzy because of a lack of sleep.

Kai enters the elevator while rubbing his temples. He saw there was two hotel staff in the elevator with him. One of them even asks him if he is okay. He missed what's happening because of dizziness. Only he remembers was, he lean-to-wall behind him and something covers his nose and he weakly fights against whoever did that to him. But then everything went black.


Kai can hear some noise. But his mind can't catch what are those. He can't open his eyes fully. It feels heavier and he can feel his headache getting worse as he tries it. His wrist feels numb, it's like whoever kidnapped him knows about Kai, to tie him with this tight. He waits for a little, closing his eyes until he can open his eyes and he listens to noises to get an idea of where is he. He sniffed the air and can smell the salty air. He guesses he is somewhere near the sea or salt shaker.

He opened his eyes with a little difficulty and he can see he is at an abounded warehouse. Few men are standing in a circle near the fire at the entrance chatting. Kai counts how many of them. There are eight of them. He looks at his surroundings and searches for anything that can use a weapon. He can see some of the men have car keys and guns hanging in their belts.

"Ahhh" he groans when his headache return. It's like his kidnapper put strong drugs in him.

Kai's groan was heard by men. One of them looks at him and gestures to others. Then they smugly walk toward him.

"Look, look who is awake." One of them voices mockingly.

"I didn't think you will awake this soon."

"Should we inform boss?" one asked another.

"Nah, he told me, he will come tonight." The first man replied.

Kai listening to them without his guard down. He is waiting for the right time to start fighting. He has to get away from here. If not others will start to worry. And he is still in Korea.

Kai stand and head-butt in soon as one of them gets near him. Then he turns his hands until they are in front. Perks having a flexible body. Then he fights with bounded hands, it was like those men never expect him to fight like this, while drug working on his body.

Soon he knocks down all of the men in the warehouse, but he knows there will be more outside. So he immediately searches for men and found a pocket knife, car key, and two guns from unconcise men and run outside, same time cutting down his bounds in hands. He gets in one car parked in front of the warehouse and starts the engine. It's gained other men's attention and they run to him. But he drive-offs the car and get away from that place. But he saw few cars following him and he curses under his breath. It's not like he can't fight, but with only two guns he can't. He knows that guns won't have enough bullets to kill every one of them.

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