First time being Sick | Kai and Nya

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Bear talking:

Yes I know I do let her suffer BUT idk why but recently I am upset with little Kai and Nya 😅

I just love drawing them but I wanna draw pictures with a story (it is easier to get more detail in)

So yeah hope you enjoy


It was a snowy day in Ninjago. Kai was down in the blacksmith running the shop. Since the siblings couldn't afford heaters they had very cold bedrooms. Nya was in the kitchen making breakfast for them.

She wasn't the greatest cook but she could make scrambled eggs. The 9 year old was mixing the eggs when she started feeling sick. She started sweating which wasn't normal either since the kitchen was one of the rather cold rooms. Since they had to have their heat from the forge it got really cold in the rest of the house.

Once the eggs where done she called her brother to come eat. Since she wasn't feeling that well she only made the eggs for him. Kai sat down across from his sister and looked at the table in front of her: "aren't you gonna eat?" he asked her a bit worried.

Since she didn't wanted to worry him she shook her head slowly: "no I ate while I cooked your breakfast. I didn't wanted eggs so I had a slice of bread" she lied. She hated to lie to him since he was the one always protecting her. She trusted him with everything.

Nya had major respect for her brother. He took the responsibility to raise her and to work in the shop all by himself. His sister tried to help but Kai wanted her to have a somewhat normal childhood.

Getting worse and worse Nya was cleaning the dishes. Every time she bent down to scrub the plate she had a pearcing pain in her forehead. Her breathing became heavier as her temperature rises. Leaving her with heavy eyes.

Feeling miserable the 9 year old finished cleaning. Covered in sweat she pulled up her sleeves. It was waaay to hot in this room. Suddenly a burst of cold air came through one of the slightly opened window. It sent her into a deep shiver.

Luckly for her Kai was busy with the shop so she could lay down on the livingroom couch. She noticed the heat from the forge coming through the wooden floor and got comfy. Covered under one thick blanked she fell asleep.

A few hours later she woke up feeling way worse. Her brother was in the kitchen cooking rice. When he saw her napping on the couch he grew worried and decided to make food. Plus he was hungry from making swords.

Nya sat up. Almost throwing up by the world spinning around her. Kai heard her struggling in the livingroom and came over. "hey you're up" he smiled. "I am cooking rice." he added. This made her feeling even more sick.

He looked at her more closely once he noticed her heavy breathing. Her red cheeks and watered eyes where noticed then too. She looked at him. The brown haired boy didn't like worrying and put his hand on her forehead. "geez you're burning up!" Kai said and pulled his hand away from her forehead.

"How long have you been feeling sick?" he asked as he went back into the kitchen. When Nya spoke up her voice was raspy sounding. Her voice came out quietly: "I don't know. Since this morning making food" she answered. Kai came back laying a cloth on her forehead. That was one thing his mother always did when he had a fever. The cloth sent Nya into a shiver.

Kai tucked her in with the thick blanked. "why didn't you tell me?" he asked worried. "because I" she started but was interrupted by a cough "didn't want to worry you" she finished. Kai sat down next to her. "naww I know you meant well sis but it would have been better to tell me. Then maybe you wouldn't be this sick now" he said putting an arm around her. Nya was still shivering. She cuddled onto her warm brother. His heat felt very nice.

The young girl started to fall asleep. It was soothing to cuddle with Kai. The more she fell asleep the less she shivered. Kai stroke through her hair and smiled once he noticed her sleeping...

 Kai stroke through her hair and smiled once he noticed her sleeping

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