We'll make it. Together

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Jay stood in front of his dresser, looking at his pills he had to take.

Anxiety and depression where his closest friends at this time.

He pushed everyone away.

His friends.
His family.
Everyone. Even Nya...

His days where grey. Sometimes he didn't even bothered to stand up.

Nya died...right in front of me...and it was all my fault...because I failed...

All that had happened. He remembered it. Even if time got reversed. He remembered it all.

How his friends got sucked into Nadakhans sword. How they sacrificed themselves for him. How Nya got shoot with the poison. How she died in his arms. And specially how he failed.

Jay was broken. When she died a botton klicked in his head.

He was afraid to loss her again but with his behavior right now he only made her feel worse.

Jay wasn't the only one who was depressed.

Nya remembered too. When she died she saw Jay. She saw how he cried. How he wished her to take his hand. She saw the whole thing.

Nya laid in bed. She didn't left her room since the time got reversed.

Nya sighted looking outside the window and seeing the happy children.

Why couldn't I just die? Why does Jay have to feel so bad about everything? Why did he save me? I was supposed to be dead. Now i should be thankful for being alive...but I wanna be dead not alive...

Kai knocked at her door. ,,Sis? I brought you some food" he said.

The red ninja placed the plate down on her little table and went closer to her.

,,Jay's doing better today" Kai said as he kneeled down to her face.

Nya just turned away. Kai sighted and stood back up.

,,you need some time...I understand" he mumbled and left the room.

Nya turned and laid on her stomach now. She hold on to her pillow very tight and cried into it.

Jay stood in front of his window and looked outside. He even opened his window and took a deep breath.

Fresh air...feels nice...

He closed his eyes. Suddenly he heared someone crying. It was his girlfriend.


He left his room for the first time in months. He went to her room.

Jay opened the door and saw Nya crying into her pillow. He saw her knifes. Her blades. Her scars. And suddenly her face.

The blue ninja looked at her shocked.

Nya looked at him as well but still crying.

Jay first just walked up to her slowly but then got faster as he came closer.

He reached her bed. He reached her. He pulled her up to his chest.

,,Nya" he mumbled hugging her. ,,I am so sorry"


Zane looked at the depressed fire ninja.

,,what is wrong my friend?" He asked concerned.

Kai sighted: ,,Nya refused to eat again"

,,She never was that depressed before" Cole said.

Kai looked up: ,,of course she was!" He snapped.

,,really?" Lloyd and Cole asked surprised.

Kai nodded: ,,sadly it's not to long ago..." he said as he looked down.

,,wait...did we already knew you and Nya?" Cole asked.

,,yes...it was just a few months ago" Kai answered.

,,u mean when Cole and Jay where fighting over Nya?" Lloyd asked.

Kai shock his head: ,,no when the day or parents disappeared was there... Nya knows how to copy and paste she doesn't show it...usually...she hides it until everyone is asleep...and then..
She cuts, crys and just let's out her feelings" he explained.

,,really?" Cole and Lloyd asked at the same time.

Kai nodded: ,,It is the only thing that Nya learned from my mom...how to copy and paste..." he sounded very sad at the end.

Cole? Zane and Lloyd looked at each other, shocked.


Jay and Nya laid on the bed. Cuddling. Nya still cried into jay's shirt. She wanted to stop but she couldn't.

While Nya was crying Jay looked at her scars.

Why did she do this? I saved her...why isn't she happy? Jay asked himself inside of his head.

After a long time Nya stopped. She wasn't talking at all. She tried not to look Jay into his dreamly blue eyes.

He saw the plate of food and took it. He sat back down next to Nya who was holding a scissor in her hand. She opened and closed it over and over again.

Jay looked at her, worried.

When she put her finger into the scissor Jay took it away from her.

,,Okay that's enough scissors for you today" he said soft and looked at her.

He placed the scissors far away from her. After that he cuddled close to her. He loved being near her. It made him feel better.

Nya cuddled into his chest and started crying again. She still couldn't forget how Jay looked when she died. She never wanted him to suffer so much, even if it was just for a few minutes.

,,Nya why are you crying?" Jay asked soft stroking her hair.

,,y. Y-you. Lo-o-oked s-s-so s-s-s-sad..." She started but Jay cut her off.

,,Shhh. Take your time" Jay said very soft. Stroking her hair.

Nya took a deep breath and then tried again.

,,I saw you." She said with tears in her eyes. Thinking about that broke her heart.

,,What do you mean? When did you saw me?" Jay asked.

,,Right after I died...i saw how you broke after I took.my last breath" Nya said and started crying even harder.

,,Shh Nya it's fine. You're fine and I'm fine. We'll get trough this" Jay said.

Nya looked at him still crying. Jay laid his hand on her cheek.

,,We'll make it. Together" Jay said smiling.

Nya gave him a small smile and cuddled with him....

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