Nyas operation

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Bear talking:

some of you might know about my knee isuess...i dreamed about this and thought i'll make a chapter out of it...hope u liked it. 

see ya in the next chapter😘😘

Kai's P.O.V:

Jay and I were sitting in front of the hospital waiting for Nya to wake up. ,,Hey Jay, do you wanna play a round of truth or dare with me. I'm kinda bored" I asked Jay. ,,Okay," he answered and looked at me. ,,Okay truth or dare" I asked and looked down at the floor. ,,Hmm...I'll take dare" he answered. ,,when we're in Nya's room. You have to put a cool pack in your neck" I said laughing. ,,Oh Nya" he sighed dreaming. ,,Argh stop it Jay!". ,,Well, I will..." he began, but the doctor cut him off. ,,Your sister is now awake and in her room. you can go to her "he said, leading us to her.

Nya lay in her bed and rubbed her eyes. ,,hey Nya" said ​​Jay and I at the same time. She looked at us but was still too tired to talk. Jay sat down beside her on the bed and she cuddled him. ,,How do you feel?" I asked, standing in front of the bed. My little sister just showed me a thumb to the side. I guess she didn't knew how she felt either.

After a while she spoke, but she fall asleep under the sentences. Jay and I looked at each other in wonder as we didn't know if it was normal. ,,Do you think that's normal?" Jay asked me. ,,I don't know" I muttered, looking at Nya. 

She looked sweet when she slept on Jay. ,,Well, let her sleep, she had an operation," I said, looking out of the window. Jay kissed Nya on the head, and put his hand on her: ,,my bed is so empty without my ruby." He sighed and looked at me. Nya woke up and looked at us. We stayed with her the rest of the day and left her in the evening. 


Nya's P.O.V: 

When I woke up the next morning, I looked out the window. I couldn't feel my leg yet. My pain catheter helped with relieving pain, but I still had some. I had a cold pack on my knee and rubbed my eyes. ,,Good morning Ms. Walker" greeted me a nurse. ,,morning" I murmured. She put the tablet on my table so I could eat. ,,could I have a new cold pack?" I asked while I pulled my gently from my knee. My rail pushed me lightly into my leg. She gave me a new one. "Can I open the brace? it pushes me in my leg "I asked with pain in my voice.

,,No, but you can lay your leg a little bit different," she said and left the room. I looked at my leg and put the cold pack on my knee, then I pulled my food over to me and began to eat. In my room came a older lady. She was still asleep, so I remained very quiet.

I wrote to the 'family' group chat which Kai, Jay and I had: ,,guys when are you coming today?" From Jay came the answer: ,,we'll be there in like 30 minutes. Do you need something hun?" he asked. ,,No, thanks" I only answered.

After a while, the nurse came back and cleared my food. ,,Do you want a tea or coffee?" She asked me.

I nodded and said: ,,a coffee, please. Bit of milk and 2 tablespoons of sugar, please". She came and brought me a cup of. ,, thank you " I thanked and moved. I waited for Kai and Jay to come after some time. I drank coffee and then cuddled with Jay who was sitting on my bed.


One Day later...


Jay's P.O.V: 

 Today was the day when we were finally able to pick up Nya. ,,Nya said we should come with the car. She doesn't know if she is able to fly with the dragon" I said, and answered Nya: ,,okay ". ,,okay. Are we going to take yours or mine? "My brother-in-law asked. ,,we'll take mine"

I said, taking a cold pack into a cool box, then went to the car. ,,I'm glad that our team will be complete again," Cole said as he passed us. ,,Yes, me too," said Lloyd, and went to Cole, "Positive, then our only female member is back," Zane said, following the other two.

Kai and I drove to the hospital. When we got there we went to Nya. ,,Hey dear," I said, but when I looked to her bed she was not there ,,where is she? " We asked Gabi, the woman who was in the room with Nya. ,,She's either on the toilet or she's out in the hallway and tries to walk a bit" she replied. We heard the toilet flush and the water run into the sink. Then we just heard a bang. I immediately went to the bathroom to Nya. ,,What happened?" I asked worried, Nya looked at me through the mirror, holding onto the sink: ,,nothing. My crutches fall down. Can you give them to me?" she asked. ,,of course" I said smiling.

I picked them up and gave them to her. ,,here. We are taking you home today" I said kissing her. She nodded and kissed me back. We went out of the bath. Nyas pain catheter was already gone.

,,The nurse comes later and removes the infusion. She says after that I can go home"she said while she went to the bed. ,,Hey Kai "greeted Nya her brother and grinned.

(I didn't knew if you know what i mean with infusion so i put the pic in it

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(I didn't knew if you know what i mean with infusion so i put the pic in it...it's actually my hand from the hospital 😂)

Since Nya and I got married, the relationship between me and Kai had changed...For the better. 

Back in the bounty...


,,Nya be careful," I said, running behind her. Kai was carrying her bag into the house: ,,wow you had a lot of stuff there," he whined. ,,Yeah, sorry you need a few thing" - ,,This is not just a few" he whined and put the bag down. Nya went to the couch and sat down there. She put her knee up and looked at us. ,,I'm glad to be home" she murmured smiling...


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