I...just miss him

485 14 3

Bear talking:

This playes after season 6

See y'all


Lloyd laid  in his bed and looked up at the celing.

He sighted.

I miss you...Dad...

He holds the picture from him and his father close to his heart.

I wish that you would still be here...

A knock was on the door. ,,Lloyd? Buddy? Are you okay?" Kai asked worried.

Lloyd didn't answered witch got Kai even more worried. He knocked again.

,,Lloyd?" The fire ninja asked again.

No answer.

Kai had enough. He opened the door and saw Lloyd ceiling on his bed.

,,hey...what's wrong?" Kai asked very soft. He usually speaks like that only to Nya.

,,I..." He started but then just sighted: ,,nothing"

,,Lloyd you can tell me I'm not ur enemy" Kai said sitting down next to the blond boy.

,,it's nothing" the green eyed boy sobbed.

,,Come on Lloyd ur crying.." Kai said putting his arm around him.

Lloyd looked at the picture he was holding and showed it to Kai.

,,I...just miss him" he answered.

,,it's okay Lloyd...i know how you feel" the fire ninja said hugging Lloyd.

Lloyd stayed in his arm and sobbed for a while. After that he thanked Kai.

,,no problem...oh and if u need something or someone just ask me. Like I always say to Nya. My door is always open just come to me if u need something" he stood up and wanted to leave but Lloyd was holding Kais red sleeve.

,,don't leave...i don't wanna be lonely again" The blond boy sobbed. Kai nodded and sat back down again.

They looked at each other and just sat there. After a while Lloyd showed Kai his comics and why he loved them so much.

,,wow comics are really cool" Kai said impressed. ,,I never had one" he then said a little bit sad.

,,YOU Didn't?!" Lloyd asked impressed.

,,no Nya and I earned so little on the shop that we never bought something except food or clothes" Kai explains.

,,wow..." Lloyd said shocked and went to his closet.

,,here u can have this one...as a gift Lloyd smiled.

,,wow thanks dude" Kai said exited. He started to read it.

Both of them sat next to each other an read comics...

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